"Emma." Norman turned his attention to Emma, offering her a warm and reassuring smile, before leaving your side to go to Emma. He knew the weight of the circumstances they were in, but he wanted to alleviate her worries. "Don't worry, Mama only took our rope." he said, attempting to provide comfort even in the face of uncertainty.

But Emma couldn't hide her sorrowful expression as she glanced back and forth between you and Norman. "(Y/n), Norman," she whispered, her voice filled with concern and a deep longing.

Norman stood up from his spot beside her bed, determined to ease Emma's distress. "Emma, I'm going to get some water, okay?" He reassured her, his words carrying a sense of care and responsibility.

Emma reached out to him, her hand extending towards him, but the distance between them continued to grow as he walked beyond the door, leaving her with a heavy heart.






A tiny yet cheery voice called out for him. The library's tranquil ambiance was disrupted by the lively presence of the girl he held dear. Books and academic papers were neatly spread out in front of him, a fortress of knowledge waiting to be conquered by his brilliant mind. Words and sentences formed intricate mazes of information, but they all seemed to fade into the background as she approached.

"(Y/n), what are you doing in the library?" Norman's voice was lighthearted, a playful chuckle dancing in his eyes. He couldn't help but tease the girl who had always despised reading.

"To come get you, of course!" You responded with unwavering enthusiasm, your lips puckering into an adorable pout. "You're studying again? Boring~ play with me instead!"

Norman's laughter filled the air. "Alright, I promise I'll play with you as soon as I finish reading this."

But you weren't about to take no for an answer. "Nuh-uh! I wanna play now!" Your insistence was accompanied by a bright smile that could melt even the most dedicated scholar's heart.

I'll always play with you...

Under the canvas of a star-studded night sky, he lays beside you, Emma, and Ray on a soft blanket, far away from the confines of the orphanage. They were in a nearby meadow, the perfect spot for their stargazing ritual.

Norman pointed towards a constellation. "See that one? That's Orion, the hunter. It's my favorite."

You followed his finger, your gaze fixed on the constellation. "It's beautiful... though I dunno what it is hehe~ but I like your stories about the stars."

"I doubt that you even know anything." Ray uttered as he gaze at the stars.

"They're really pretty!" Emma agreed with you.

Norman smiled warmly. "You know, they say the stars are like our dreams, (Y/n). No matter how far apart we are, we're all under the same sky, sharing the same dreams."

You gasped contentedly, "Yeah! Together forever!"

I want to live...

It was Norman's birthday, and you had secretly planned a surprise party for him. With the help of your siblings, you decorated their hideout with fairy lights, colorful balloons, and a table filled with homemade treats. You knew how much he appreciated thoughtful gestures and wanted to make this day special.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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