A New Beginning

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A sudden gust of sleepiness washed over you after Isabella's announcement, crashing upon you like a heavy wave. Your body felt like a lead weight, and you longed to find the strength to respond, but your eyelids had become anchors, and your legs wobbled beneath you.

'No, He can't... Norman can't die... I—.'

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'Norman is my...'

A profound weariness descended upon you, and you couldn't help but yawn, your hand instinctively moving to rub your tired eyes. "Norman..."

"(Y/n)?" Norman's voice was tinged with genuine concern as he urgently called out to you.

"Norman... Don't go, stay with me..." Your words came out in a soft, lethargic mumble, and yet another yawn escaped your lips. "I feel so... sleepy. So sleepy that I can't open my eyes anymore."

Your thoughts raced to Emma, and anxiety gnawed at your consciousness. 'Is Emma alright? Emma's injured cause I couldn't warn her....'

With each passing moment, the world around you grew blurrier, and the voices seemed to retreat into a distant haze. You could feel the warmth of a pair of arms wrapping around you, grounding you in the midst of the encroaching darkness.

A sudden, overwhelming white noise filled your ears, rendering your hearing practically useless.

'My ears hurts... Too much noise, I can't hear anything...'

"(Y/n)— you— alright?!"

'Huh? What are they talking about? Ray? When did they get here?'

"Open— eyes!"

Your head throbbed mercilessly, as if a relentless hammer were pounding on your skull. The pain in your chest intensified, a heavy pressure making it difficult to breathe.

'But even though it's painful, I feel sleepy...'

"I just want to sleep forever." Your words were a faint, almost inaudible whisper as you surrendered to the overpowering fatigue, finally slipping into a deep, dreamless slumber.

'Til I forget all my problems.'

'And wake up from this nightmare.'

'Ah... Everything's too much...'

"What should we do?" Don panics, "Norman's getting ship out, Emma's leg is broken and our rope is taken away plus (Y/n) won't wake up no matter what we do."

Ray gritted his teeth, "We can make more ropes! We'll definitely escape! But the problems are... (Y/n) and Norman."

Gilda timidly question, "But, but why Norman? Why is he the one getting ship out?"

"I... I don't know but I have a plan."


Norman sat quietly by your side, gently holding your hand as you slept peacefully. The room was bathed in a soft light, and he watched over you with a sense of protectiveness.

The tranquility was suddenly disrupted by Emma's voice calling out to him, "Norman." Her face still bore the signs of pain from her recent injury, but she couldn't ignore the urgency of the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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