2.( the mate ball (mate trials. the ball part 1)

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"Hi" character talking
Hi character narrative
/Hi/ me bitch/bro/person/none identifying entity on earth this is only used when explaining the storyline
-Hi- whispering
!Hi! Muffled
(Hi) thoughts
"Hi~" /I think you know this one/
("Hi") character that thought something and said it out loud /it also works for the rest of them/
×Hi× me Telling you something unrelated to the plot

×yes I am giving you ball music so don't complain×

Blake's pov
As I was walking through the palace, maids were hustling around to clean like usual, but we had visitors coming today for a mate ball that will be held in three days. The ones I'm most interested in meeting are the king of of solode's sons Ritchie and Brandon Diablos. Apparently, they both are demon slayers like me, I was on my way to the storm den like Luna told me, and she said the dragon that's training me is named Ohm, who is an adult alpha male storm dragon and he also sired our 2 strongest storm dragon warriors

As I walked down the stairs that led to the storm den I heard talking, it was my mother and north. "North, I dont want blake to be my heir so you will be my heir instead snd cole will be my champion" (Cole is the dragon rider commander though, he can't be her champion) I thought to myself and continued down the stairs making sure they can hear me, as I got to them I spoke "hello mother, hello north" I curtsyed

/Time skip three hours/

??????? Pov
My brother,father, and I were walking to the at the gates to the kingdom of avalor, which is known for its moon dragon Luna, who single handedly took down three thousand evil dragons while she was a whelp and for its princess demon slayer and gen 1 dragon slayer omega and another kind of slayer which is unknown like her name for some reason, as we reached the gates we all heard wings and looked up to see a moon dragon land which stood taller than the gates allowing a female to see over it and look at us "hello and welcome to avalor, I'm Blake, daughter of the queen" a girl said as she dismounted from the moon dragon patting it's neck when she was fully off, she walked up to the gates and tapped it causing it to disintegrate slightly startling us "come on I'll take you to the palace" she said walking back over to the dragon

After about 30 minutes, we got to the palace, we landed, and dismounted and went into the palace. "Mother, the first of the guests have arrived," she called out, and an adult male walked out. I'm guessing he's the king. "Thank you for bringing them, blake, NOVA, LEAH,VICKI THE GUESTS OF SOLODE HAVE ARIVVED BRING THEIR STUFF UP TO THEIR ROOMS" the male called out and three women ran over to us taking our stuff to rooms "well I'm sure Blake has already welcomed you to avalor but I do welcome you to the kingdom of avalor as it's crowned prince my name is north carter" north said, north was clearly putting up a nice act so we would trust him and we knew that and could see right past it "hello prince north I'm king soren of solode and these are my sons" our father gestured to us "hello my name is Ritchie Diablos" I bowed "and I'm Brandon Diablos" Brandon bowed

Blake's pov
After Ritchie and Brandon properly introduced themselves, I left because I had training with Ohm. Once I got to the forest where he was training me I saw a storm dragon "So you're Blake, right?" I heard a voice and turned to it to see a storm dragon "yes I am, I'm guessing you're Ohm," I said, causing the dragon to chuckle. "You are quite cute, so why would you want to fight?" he asked "because I don't want to be a helpless princess who needs a prince to save her" I said, looking at him "you're different than the other omegas I have trained to help control their powers. You know what you want, and you know how to get it" I nodded to him. "I don't want some stuck-up alpha prince who thinks they own me just because I'm an omega, I want to be able to protect myself if I need to cause being weak is boring" I said and the dragon laughed "let's get to training the we can finish the conversation" he said and I nodded

The Dragon Demi-God PrincessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt