Scented Reverie

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Amidst a serene meadow
kissed by morning's light.
There strolled a girl with eyes aglow,
captivated by a wondrous sight.

Beneath the endless, azure sky so wide,
she wandered through a fragrant, blooming tide.
Her steps crunched gently 'neath her feet
and bees hummed softly in a melody so sweet.

With balmy fingers, she did reach,
graceful touch, yet timid, not a breach.
Soft, as nature's gentle caress, you'll find,
each petal woven, with tenderness entwined.

Or a floral essence, in a jam so fine.
A symphony of flavors, in sweet confine.
For tongue buds dance, in sheer delight's prime,
each bite, a floral kiss, a taste sublime.


Fragrances to everyone do spawn,
as if for forever known.

In the bakery, an aroma warm and inviting,
buttery and soft a scent so delighting.

Or the petrichor, earthy and secure,
a fragrance of nature, clean and pure.

Or the blood's metal gleam
in it's copper's stream.

Scent's distinct, evokes emotions, memories unfold...
Tears or laughter, in their presence, stories
are retold.

Perceptions differ, from faint to strong, a sensory extent.
Just like life's strains, some feel more, some feel less.

Roses blend in rich, sweet splendor,
an eternal, romantic scent to which to surrender.

Lavender with herbs in its sweet embrace,
elicits calm and tranquility, a peaceful space.

Lily a blend of richness, floral delight,
soft, sweet undertones, enchanting and light.

The flowers' perfume, in this world
so vast,
however each fragrance has a unique story born to last.

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