My loquacious friеnd

18 2 0

Home, looking at the ceiling,
stillness, no time, just breathing.
Water drops from the tap slowly dripping
and the clock's sonorously clicking.

Then my eyes drift, to the glass stable,
how it lightly sits on the table.
The water in, reflecting every thought mull.
How can a glass of water make me look so dull?

A tiny crack shining at the rime of my glass...
I go back to the time and the aftermath.
Lonely in an observation,
all around feeling every sensation.

In the corner of my eye the street light glinting.
And when I close them, it leaves an imprint.
At the end of it's life ready to give up in the night.
But still trying to spread light.

Dark outside, the curtains slowly moving, to the left and right the breeze in coming
from the open window cool air humming,
In my room it's voice echoing...

And the wind is so loquacious...
Telling it's own story spacious
as I sit silently and listen,
trying the story to invision.

It's words hitting the lush verdant leaves.
On the hardly clinged trunks of the trees.
From it's hissing whispers my neck shivering.
In a split second they became screams of whooshing.

And it swiftly cooled down.
Carresing with a whiff my ears in frown.
Patting my head telling me to fall asleep.
All my thoughts it takes into a sweep.

My Flowers After Rain Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon