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With immense pleasure and a touch of disbelief, I am thrilled to present my very first book, "Amore Centenario." It has been a journey of both dedication and a lot of procrastination and now, at long last, I am able to share this tale with you all here on Wattpad.

Within the pages of "Amore Centenario," you will be transported to a remarkable era, where the spirits of rich cultures collide. It is a heartfelt narrative that unravels the story of a remarkable Filipina-Spanish lady, whose destiny leads her to transcend time and wander through Maynila during the Spanish colonial period. In the embrace of this tale, you will delve deep into the historical and cultural tapestry of the Spanish Colonial Period in the Philippines, exploring its intricacies and unearthing its forgotten tales.

Balancing the demands of a nine-to-six regular job, I have dedicated countless hours, days, and years to refining this work. It is my sincerest hope that "Amore Centenario" will find its place in your hearts, and that its words will transport you to a world alive with passion, longing, and the pursuit of love.

To every reader who will embark on this journey with me, I am eternally grateful. Your support and encouragement will be the driving force behind this endeavour. I long for the day when I can personally welcome you into this enchanting world of "Amore Centenario."

Wishing you all a most enchanting reading experience. You can also check on my social media accounts, Instagram/Tiktok: luis2dio, for updates, illustrations/animations and behind the scenes. 

This novel is entirely a work of fiction

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This novel is entirely a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are a product of the author's imagination. 

Any similarities to an actual person, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

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