Chapter 3: Pep Rally

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Today is the pep rally and Addison told me what happened at the cheerleading initiation

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Today is the pep rally and Addison told me what happened at the cheerleading initiation. I felt bad for her and Bree, even though I warned Bucky a lot over the years about the initiation. He never listens to me or Addison. This is why I feel like hitting him in public, but I'm still in my parents' good graces. I rather not disappoint them at all.

"Cheer season is here, cheer followers. So let's rally our cheerleaders at the pep rally today." said Principal Lee, announcing it from the PA system.

Addison and I ran up to Bucky, wanting to talk about his torment toward the zombies. Addison also told me that because of what happened, Zed isn't talking to her. I really hope he understands where Addison was coming from when it came to the cheer initiation.

"Hey! Hey!" said Addison.

"Hey, what's up, cuz & cuzzie?" He said, asking us.

"Zombies are students at Seabrook too, Bucky. Picking on then isn't right."

He scoffs at her. "Zombies distract people from what's really important. Like cheer, us... me."

"But we can't go around tormenting them." I said, agreeing with her.

"It's best if you both don't question things. Pep rally today, cuz. You're gonna rock it." He then walks from us.

I had to cheer up Addison since I do agree with her about zombies being accepted into our society. If Zed and the zombies do good things, then maybe that will change everyone's minds about them.

Zed entered the basement with his best friends, Bonzo and Eliza. He told me about them, but I've never met them at all. Bucky and everyone else needed to be proven wrong about the zombies. They're not bad people and we don't have to treat them like that.

"In addition to getting rejected from football, I met a cheerleader and I thought she was cool, you know? I thought she was different. I thought she was the one. But I was wrong. Cheerleaders are all terrible." said Zed, sadly.

Eliza nods her head, agreeing with him.

Addison and I entered the room.

"Hey, wha- there's no human students in the basement." said Mr. Zeck, talking to us as everyone looked at us.

"Uh, someone yakked in the cafeteria." said Addison.

"Oh, right. Still the janitor."

"Wow. This is awful."

"Yeah, we would have cleaned but the teacher is territorial about his mop." said Eliza.

"Sorry." I said, apologizing to them for her.

"It's fine," said Mr. Zeck, going to the cafeteria.

"Addison, what're you doing here with Calista?" said Zed, asking her.

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