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Welcome to Seabrook.

We're a perfectly planned community.

We all have perfect homes...

Perfect clothes...

The perfect life.

Yep. Everything was perfect.

Until it wasn't.

Who would have thought
That an accident involving
Lime soda would set off
The apocalypse.

And when the contaminated green haze blew west,
People weren't happy.

Because it turned them into...


That's right. Zombies.



Dark, gory times.

But we built a big barrier to protect us from the zombie hordes.

Safe at last, Seabrook could finally get back to our prefect lives.

Well, a lot has changed since they built the barrier fifty years ago.

Science found a much better way to deal with zombies.

And you know what happened to those old brain-eating monsters ?

Well, they still have to live on this side of the barrier, but now...

They're awesome.

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