-No- said Penelope, intrigued.

-He came to ask me for your hand, not because he loved you, but out of duty, only then would they stop talking about him. Of course I refused, because I know that you love him, and both of you would be unhappy, you would always be looking for him to fall in love with you, suffering terribly at every step. But that doesn't matter, now a duke is interested in you, the best...

Penelope had stopped listening to her mother and sat down at the table. Colin never told her that he had already asked for her hand. Now everything was different. Every word she had said to him was in question, but her mother was right, if Colin could ask for her hand after the last pamphlet, it meant that everything she did in Scotland was out of duty. Her cousin, the now Lady Crane, had told her that men would say anything to give themselves liberties and Penelope had played the role of fool. She had convinced herself that she could be more, but Eloise was right, she was pathetic. Colin would arrive in a week, she had to devise a plan quickly, so he wouldn't threaten to tell everyone about his liberties with her.

Oh my God-she thought, he even said he would write it in his travel log. It made sense now because he had insisted on getting married as soon as possible.How could she have been so stupid.

-Mother- she interrupted Portia-what should I do?

-write to the duke, now.


Colin was feeling particularly happy, there was less and less left to announce to the world his engagement to his best friend. When he arrived at house number 5 there was so much madness around him that no one realized he was there, until the now Viscountess Bridgerton saw him.

-Colin! We weren't expecting you, Benedict told us that you would arrive tomorrow, it's nice to see you, you look radiant.

-There was good weather, which brought forward my arrival.

Everyone greeted the third Bridgerton, quickly.

-Dear, I'm sorry for the rush- Violet apologized- but we have to hurry to your sister's presentation in society.

-Of course, don't stop for me, I already have plans, he smiled, looking at the Featherington house.

Colin entered the house looking for his sister Eloise, he had been told she was in the library.

-can? -He said knocking on the door.

-brother, you look good. You should travel more often, it looks good on you.

-I wanted to talk to you -Eloise wrinkled her nose.

-why with me?

-from our mutual friend.

-In that you are wrong, we do not have any friends in common, because firstly she was never my friend and secondly Lady Whistledown made it very clear that you are not hers either.

-how she wasn't going to write that, I broke her heart the same night her best friend broke her heart. We were a pair of ruthless brothers, but telling her that you felt pitty for her and damaging her father's letters, that, sister, was very wrong- Colin said in a low voice.

Eloise put the book down with shock on her face.

-How do you know?

-The fight you had with your best friend, or that she's Lady Whistledown- Colin whisper.

-both of them, wasn't she supposed to be traveling?

-and maybe one of the Bridgerton brothers cares more than the other.

-Did you see her?

-Not only did I see her, we are almost engaged, and you miss are going to go and apologize.

-what? I won't apologize to her, even if your children carry my name, never!

-At least you should apologize for burning her father's letters! -Colin said furiously.

-what? -Eloise said.

-When you destroyed her room with that absurd obsession with knowing everything, you dropped some letters very close to the fireplace, so close that they burned. They were from the late Lord Featherington, when Penelope was a child and he wrote to her. And if someone were to come in right now and damage the things that remind you of Dad, how would you feel, tell me.

-I don't know what to say- she said embarrassed.

-You don't have to forgive her for the other thing, but you owe her an apology for what you did.

-But it doesn't bother you, that she cheated on you and made money at your expense?

-You talk about the woman who pretended to love me, convinced me to run away with her and that she was going to give me two children that weren't mine, or you talk about the time I insulted her in front of everyone; I was the one who had to apologize for saying what I said. And for not believing her when she warned me in a thousand ways. I should have thanked her too.Colin rushed out, not wanting to be bitter, because he already wanted to be engaged to his Pen, changed his clothes and headed to the Featherington house.

Colin was announced, he entered the room with a smile, but the atmosphere was quite dense. Penelope was looking at the floor.

-Mr. Bridgerton, to whom we owe the honor.

Colin didn't know if Portia already knew about his stay in Scotland with Pen, but he better start at the beginning.

-I apologize for what happened in your home on the night of the ball. I also want to ask you Lady Featherington, permission to court your daughter, Miss Penelope Featherington. I also plan to make this request again at the first big ball. of the season so that the ton knows my intentions are noble.

-That is something that only my dear daughter can answer. If she agrees, I will too.

Colin smiled at Penelope because he felt that he had already won his mother-in-law's favor, but everything fell apart when he saw his friend's face.

Pen looked at him sadly and you could tell she had been crying.

-Mr. Bridgerton- she said in a low voice- your apologies are accepted, however I do not want you to court me- she take a deep breath and continue- I am also going to ask you please not to speak to me again or even look in my direction -her voice faltered- much less set foot in my house again, for the friendship we had.

Colin was shocked by the youngest Featherington's words.-Pen, I don't understand why you're saying this. Tell me what's wrong.

-My daughter, made her decision and if you are a gentleman, you must respect it, please leave.

Colin stepped toward her, but Pen was shielded behind her mother. He felt his heart break, the tears start falling.

-Mr. Bridgerton, please be a gentleman, just this time.

-I don't know what's happening, but I will fix it. With that, he left the Featherington house

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