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Have you ever noticed the world we live in? I mean really notice it. The history. The scenery. It's all so beautiful. For starters, the sunset tonight in Savannah is unreal, probably the best one I've seen in my three years here. The blues and the pinks just blend together perfectly. Originally I'm from Philadelphia and don't get me wrong, the sunsets there are amazing as well, especially with the city scape. But I've learned nothing really beats the sunsets here in Savannah.

Currently I was taking my nightly stroll along the beach, one of my absolute favorite things to do to end the night. There was still a few people here, a young couple with their baby, two friends hanging out; one of them strumming an interesting yellow guitar. Not going to lie, they were both pretty attractive. It was a quiet night so far.

"Emma! Wait up!"

I turned at the sound of my name to see my best friend Cassie jogging up to me, making me giggle. She slowed her pace and bumped my shoulder with hers "Hi friend"

I couldn't help but giggle even more "Hi Friend"

"What are your plans tomorrow night?"

I thought for a moment as a small wave washed over my feet "I have a long day at the museum"

Cassie instantly groaned at the word 'museum' "Emma, you spend way too much time there"

I bit my lip "Well I mean, it's my job Cass. It's the main reason I moved down here to Savannah"

"What do you even have to do tomorrow?"

I raised an eyebrow at her "If you must know, I'm helping update the Civil War exhibit. I'm freaking pumped about it"

Cassie shook her head at me "You my friend, are a huge nerd. A huge history nerd"

"Hey, you know how I am when it comes to history. I didn't receive a bachelors degree in history for nothing, and Savannah has one of the best histories out there! I mean the town is literally built on it's own dead"

Cassie pointed at me "My point exactly. Huge nerd"

I giggled and shook my head at her "Anyways, what's up? Why are you asking?"

Cassie smiled "Well, you know my cousin Jackson right?"

"The one who's like obsessed with baseball and anything involved with baseball?"

"Yeah that one. He invited me to the Savannah Bananas game tomorrow and I have an extra ticket. Wanna join me?"

I thought for a moment before I smiled and nodded "You know what, yeah. That sounds like fun. But I'll only go with you on one condition"

Cassie playfully rolled her eyes as we made our way back towards the parking lot "And what would that be"

I smiled and innocently as I pointed to my stomach "You buy dinner? I'm absolutely starving"

Cassie let out an obnoxious laugh as she nodded her head "Mmm, okay. If that what it takes to get you away from the History Museum, I can buy dinner"

I smiled happily and did a little happy dance as we both got in our respective cars and headed to one of our favorite places to eat here in Savannah.

SONG BIRD (Dalton Mauldin)Where stories live. Discover now