The entire house was a one medium-sized room with a messy bed on the right, an even more messed small kitchen on the left and a completely devastated table under the wall in front of them. In the cauldron placed on the fireplace next to the kitchen area there was a boiling liquid. Mary quickly stirred the mixture and started talking.

"To be honest, maybe it is even better that the two of you are here. I have an offer for you." She looked at them seriously. Rosalynn sat on the bed but Doctor was still standing near the door.

"What kind of offer you have?" Doctor asked cautiously.

"You see, I am a person who doesn't get along with the church or priests." She started circling across the room. "And that plague is a true blessing although others see it as a curse. Well, their loss." She finally sat down on a chair near the table. 

"Would you mind getting to the point?" Doctor hurried her and Mary sighed. 

"Ugh, I wanted to make it more official and serious but fine." She gave him an angry look. "So, what if I tell you that this old prick Cryer will kiss the dust any time soon?" There was a dangerous blaze in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Rosalynn spoke unexpectedly. 

"Taking current situation, he might unfortunately die of plague." She stood up slowly. "For this reason I need some witnesses of his death. Since you two are Plague Doctors, it makes perfect sense-" She hardly finished the sentence when Doctor interrupted.

"I must disappoint you as we do not provide this kind of services in our professional code." He stood up as well and was ready to leave. "Any other death than of plague is beyond our duties."

"I see... But what if he would actually die of plague? Would you then confirm his death?" Rosalynn didn't like the way Mary's eyes shined. Doctor sighed tired of her questions. 

"In case anyone, including Reverend Cryer, dies of plague, they are committed dead of plague. That is all." 

"I see. Perfect then. See you around, my friends." Mary was more enthusiastic than before. When they left her cottage, she waved them a goodbye and disappeared inside her house. 

After that talk, both Doctor and Rosalynn were walking in silence towards the nearest cottage marked with a cross. It must have been the latest case as the man outside just have finished marking the door. 

"Why black cross?" Doctor asked him politely. Rosalynn was kind of absent-minded as she was still recalling their conversation with Mary and her vile words about priest's fate. 

"We don't have chalk or white paint so we use charcoal. There is a mine nearby." The man looked quite young but there was a tiredness in his eyes. "Please, come in. My wife and son are sick." He moved out of their way and they entered the house...


When they were leaving the house, they noticed Jack in the distance as he was carrying some sheets in the rectory's direction. He even waved them back. They visited three more houses and came back home in silence. None of them wanted to start the conversation, although it was Doctor who spoke first while preparing their meal.

"I know I am not the best companion one could imagine and I am also aware of the fact that at times I am stubborn and strict and old-fashioned and-" He was about to give a long speech but Rosalynn interrupted.

"You don't have to explain yourself." She said calmly without even looking at him. "I got used to your switching moods and the weird behaviours of yours." 

"Did you?" He looked at her surprised.

"Yeah." She looked back at him. "You have your flaws just like everyone does. Besides, everyday you risk your life by treating the sick so that might be the main reason why you act so... unusual at times." She scratched her neck and looked away.

"Thank you... For accepting me the way I am." She could tell he was smiling at the moment by the timidness in his voice.

"Oh... No problem." 

"Why are your cheeks so red, Rosalynn? Are you sick?" Doctor came closer and Rosalynn made a step back.

"Uhm, n-no, I don't think so. You must be mistaken-" She tried to explain but he didn't listen.

"You must rest in bed to kill the pestilence with the heat. Come." Doctor grabbed her hand and tried to drag her into her room but Rosalynn was resisting.

"I-I assure you, I'm fine. It's just... Doctor?- He already lifted her up and took into her room where he put her on her bed.

"This evening let me cook for you. I will bring the food here so stay in bed." And he left her without waiting for response. 

After he left, Rosalynn was sitting on her bed confused and even more red than before. She realised that it was the very first time Doctor has touched her directly with his hands, not a cane like always. She sighed and decided to not argue with him and stayed in bed as he told her to.

We Are The Cure : The Plague Doctor's Tale.Where stories live. Discover now