Ch. 4 - A Last Goodbye

Start from the beginning

The Voltaris Master drew his broadsword and master staff from his inventory. He turned to his son before joining his people in the raid, "Stay safe, Gress. I will be back soon."

Ingressus nodded, and the last bit of his red gleam faded as he left the room.

An explosion ripped open the tent and Ingressus's body filled with pain. He tried to scream, but nothing came out. The blanket was ripped from his shoulders as he was thrown into the snow. Ingressus pulled himself up, trying to push past the pain, and looked around for Dominus through squinted eyes.

He made out the ruby glow through the tears and snow. Ingressus tried to scream again, tried get his fathers attention. Yet it was as if his voice was ripped from his throat and he couldn't make a sound.

Ingressus stumbled forward trying to reach him. He froze in fear when a deafening cracking reached his ears. His gaze fell to the ground, it had started to split and crack around him.

The small Voltaris ran forward as he tried to flee. The snow was blinding him, and some invisible force seemed to press against his ears, cutting off all sounds.

Ingressus continued to run, trying to find his father. Trying to get away.

Trying to live.

He crashed into the ground as his foot caught on something. The only noise he could hear was his own heartbeat as he tried to scramble up.

Ingressus went motionless when he saw what he tripped on. He tried to scream his fathers name. Over and over until his throat ran raw with his silent, unheard screams.

He shook Dominus's body as he tried to wake him up, but he was already gone.

A second sound join the heartbeat in Ingressus's head and he looked up, tears freezing on his face in the cold. The slits had caught up to him, growing wider and wider as they drew closer.

Ingressus tried to stand up, but was forced back onto his knees as someone grabbed his neck.

He twisted around, trying to escape, catching a glance at his captor. Ingressus tried to scream again when he recognized the blue markings of his fathers killer.

The cracks crumbled into a never ending pit. The Sendaris murderer dragged him towards it, ripping Ingressus away from his fathers cold body.

Ingressus thrashed and tried to scream as he tried to escape. The Sendaris reached the pit, Ingressus tried to fight back, but he wasn't strong enough to.

The grip from his neck disappeared, replaced with the sensation of falling.

Ingressus lurched upwards in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, and clawing at the blanket. He stared down at his hands, shaking and blurred.

He tried to erase the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, but they kept falling from his eyes. Ingressus realized the effort was futile, and grabbed the blanket.

Ingressus pulled his knees to chest, and squeezed them to his body, wrapping the blanket around his shaking form.

He buried his face in knees and started to cry uncontrollably.


The Voltaris looked up over the top of his knees and saw Achillean was watching him from his bed with a concerned look. Ingressus scrubbed at his face, trying to hide his tears in his moment of weakness.

"I'm-" His voice broke and he took a deep, shuddering breath, "I'm fine..."

Achillean looked unconvinced, clearly able to see through his guise, "What's wrong?"

Ingressus pulled his legs closer, "Nothing..." He buried his face in his knees again. As if he was trying to hide like he used to during the raids. Ingressus heard rustling from Achilleans side of the room, but he didn't move.

He felt the bed sink down next to him, and he saw Achillean in the corner of his vision. Ingressus grew tense when the Nestoris wrapped an arm around his shoulders and gently hugged him.

Ingressus held his breath as he tried to hold back the tears blurring his vision.

Achillean squeezed his shoulders tighter and Ingressus started shaking again underneath his arm. "It's alright..." the Voltaris nearly broke at his soft tone. "It's okay..."

Tears rolled down Ingressus's cheeks and his body shook violently as he sobbed.

Achillean gently wrapped his other arm around the whimpering Voltaris and hugged him. Ingressus shook as he cried and the Nestoris carefully pulled him closer.

Ingressus leaned against him and squeezed his eyes shut as the tears continued to fall.

Achillean held the Voltaris as his sobbing gradually faded into shaky breathing. He hugged Ingressus again, who lightly lifted his head from his knees. Ingressus stared at the yellow and golden glow emitting from their markings as the final few tears fell from his eyes. The Nestoris pulled back a bit, so as to not make the Voltaris feel trapped.

The Voltaris rested the side of his head on his knees and took a deep breath. "Are you alright?" Ingressus looked up at Achillean and sat up properly.

"I don't know..." he admitted after a moment. "That's alright," Achillean pulled his arm back as he spoke, "Honestly... I would have been surprised if you did..."

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