The Miracle

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-note: this is inspired by frankenstein cause i love it sm!! <3

The morning after their emotional encounter with Ymir through the Ouija board, Annie, Hitch, and Historia woke up with a shared sense of determination. They couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to bring Ymir back to life, to have her presence with them once again.

Hitch, who had always been a bit of a scientific whiz, had a secret laboratory hidden deep within their cabin. She had spent years studying and experimenting, searching for a way to achieve the seemingly impossible. (note: sorry i kept this a secret hahha)

Hitch: whispering "I've been working on something in my lab, something that could bring Ymir back."

Annie: intrigued "You mean... like resurrection?"

Hitch: nodding "Yes. It's a long shot, but I believe it might work."

Historia: hopeful "If there's a chance, we have to try."

With a shared sense of purpose, they made their way to Hitch's secret laboratory. The room was filled with all sorts of equipment, and at its center was a large, imposing apparatus that Hitch had been working on for years.

Hitch: "This is it. My greatest experiment. I've been keeping it a secret, waiting for the right moment."

Annie: impressed "It's incredible, Hitch."

Historia: teary-eyed "Let's do it. Let's bring Ymir back."

They spent hours preparing, making sure everything was in place. Hitch's meticulous planning had paid off, and they were as ready as they could be for what lay ahead.

As they powered up the apparatus, a sense of anticipation filled the room. The machine hummed to life, and they carefully followed the steps Hitch had laid out.

Hitch: determined "Alright, everyone, hold hands. We need to focus our energy and intention on bringing Ymir back."

Annie, Hitch, and Historia formed a circle, their hands joined, their hearts beating as one. They closed their eyes and concentrated with all their might.

The room filled with a strange energy, a combination of hope, love, and the unknown. The apparatus crackled and hummed louder, and just when they thought it might be too much, a blinding flash of light filled the room.

And then, there she was. Ymir, standing before them, her eyes wide with wonder and confusion.

Ymir: whispering "Is this... is this real?"

Historia: tearfully "Ymir, it's us. It's real. We brought you back."

Ymir: overwhelmed "I can't believe it. You did it."

Annie: smiling "Welcome back, Ymir."

Hitch: grinning "We missed you so much."

The room was filled with tears of joy, laughter, and a sense of triumph. Against all odds, they had accomplished the impossible, defying the boundaries of life and death.

Ymir's return brought a newfound sense of completeness to their group of friends. They knew they had been given a second chance to cherish the love they had for each other and to continue their journey in the world they had built together.

As Ymir embraced Historia, the three friends knew that they were bound not only by love but also by the unbreakable bond of friendship, determination, and the miraculous gift of a second chance.

- note: love ymir and historia!

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