THE Unexpected Romance (collabed with head & shoulders)

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The setting is a bright, modern bathroom. The camera pans to reveal Annie and Hitch standing side by side, both looking fresh and radiant.

Voiceover: "Introducing the Paradis Military Barracks' fiercest warriors—Annie and Hitch."

Annie smirks slightly, while Hitch grins playfully at the camera.

Voiceover: "They may have clashed in the past, but now they're a force to be reckoned with."

The scene transitions to a playful gaming session in their room, with Annie and Hitch laughing and cheering as they play together.

Voiceover: "Gaming partners and roommates, they found common ground and formed an unexpected bond."

Hitch playfully nudges Annie, and Annie nudges her back with a smile.

Voiceover: "But with great battles come great challenges..."

The camera zooms in on Hitch's hair, revealing a slight flake on her shoulder.

Voiceover: "...and even the strongest warriors face the enemy of dandruff."

Hitch looks embarrassed, while Annie raises an eyebrow teasingly.

Annie: "Looks like you need some help, Hitch." she said.

Hitch: Blushing "Yeah, I guess I do."

Annie reaches for a bottle of Head & Shoulders shampoo, and Hitch takes one as well.

Voiceover: "Introducing Head & Shoulders—The ultimate defense against dandruff and more."

They both pour the shampoo into their hands, and the scene transitions to them lathering their hair.

Voiceover: "With Head & Shoulders, their hair stays flake-free, fresh, and full of life."

Annie and Hitch toss their heads playfully, showing off their dandruff-free hair.

Voiceover: "Now they're ready to face any challenge together."

The scene shifts to them standing back-to-back, looking ready for action.

Voiceover: "Strong, confident, and with hair that's 100% flake-free."

Annie and Hitch turn to each other, sharing a genuine smile.

Voiceover: "Head & Shoulders—because true strength is in the bond we share."

The commercial ends with a shot of Annie and Hitch side by side, their hair shining and dandruff-free.

Voiceover: "Head & Shoulders—Proud sponsors of courage and camaraderie."

The screen fades to the Head & Shoulders logo, with the tagline: "Defy the Flakes, Embrace the Bond."

Director: "Cut! That was perfect, ladies!"

 "Who knew we'd end up doing a commercial together?" said Hitch

Annie: Chuckling "Life is full of surprises."

As they leave the set, they walk side by side, a newfound warmth between them.

Hitch: "You think we'll be famous after this?"

Annie: Smirking "Who knows? But one thing's for sure—our hair will always be on point."

They share a laugh, embracing the camaraderie they've discovered in each other.

And so, Annie and Hitch's unexpected friendship continued to grow, both on and off the set. They learned that even in the unlikeliest of places, bonds could be formed, and true strength could be found in supporting each other.

As they faced new challenges and adventures together, they knew that whether it was in the gaming room or on the battlefield, they would always stand side by side, with their hair flake-free and ready to conquer whatever life threw their way.

note: i switched my writing styles a bit!! i absolutly love how this one turn out

Unexpected romance ~ hitchannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now