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**Norris' POV**

She's going to be the death of me that woman. She can't stand to look at me, but yet when we're together I can feel the chemistry, and I know she can feel it too.

I know I shouldn't have done what I did but I couldn't help myself, it's like she has a spell cast over me.

I'm getting yet another call from her, this is nearing the 20th in 2 days. I should probably answer. "Liliana."

"Lando." She sighs, staying silent for a while. "You going to tell me what all that was about? And don't you dare say it's nothing."

"Oh come on baby. You know you liked it." I tease, biting my lip slightly at the thought of her body against mine.

"That's not the point." I can't see her but I know she's smirking, just something about her tone of voice. "We can't keep doing this, it isn't healthy."

"Yeah. I think you're right." I mutter, coming to my senses. It would never work between us, we're too different. "Where are you?"

"Still in Woking, why?" She questions suspiciously.

I take a deep breath, composing myself. "Can we meet?"

Lili takes a deep breath, clearly debating whether to agree or not. "I don't know Lando. The last two encounters have been kind of chaotic between us."

God her laugh is so attractive. No stop it. I need to pull it together, "Please? I just want to talk. I promise."

3 hours later and she's pulling up to my apartment. I'm nervous, how can I explain my actions when I don't even know what I'm feeling?

My door bell rings and it's her, she looks breathtaking. She's not even dressed up but wow. "Hi." I greet awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

She gives me a small smile, "Can I come in?"

"Of course, right this way." I gesture, letting her into my home.

We head into the dining room and sit at opposite ends of the table. We're sat in silence for what feels like an eternity. Neither one knowing how to start the conversation.

"Do you like me Lando?" She asks finally.

I look up at her, surprised over her directness, "Define the word like."

"As in do you have feelings for me?" She raises her eyebrow.

"I don't even know Lili" I sigh, responding honestly. "I mean, there's definitely something. But I'm not sure I know what it is exactly."

"Ok." She mutters, as the room turns silent once more.

"Do you?" I pluck up the courage and ask, secretly hoping she says yes.

She pauses for a moment, thinking my question through. "It would never work me and you. And I think you know that too."

"Yeah." I whisper, I don't know why but I'm quite hurt by her response. She is right though, as much as I hate to admit it.

She sighs, "So why..? You know?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Emotions got the better of me I guess. I'm sorry, it was a mistake. Won't happen again."

"Good. I don't think it's healthy for either of us, one minutes we're at each others throats and the next well..." Lili chuckles slightly, raising her eyebrows playfully at me.

"Yeah." I reply quietly, not knowing what else to say.

"But I would like to apologise." She takes a deep breath. "I understand why you shouted at me the other day, I do admit I haven't treated you with the same respect that you have treated me."

"It's just hard trying the be nice to someone who spends their entire time insulting you." I smile weakly, trying not to let her see how hurt I actually am. "A couple of playful insults, I can deal with that. But not every conversation I have with you."

"I get it, and I am sorry. I will make an effort to be more patient with you Lando." There's sincerity in her voice, I know how hard it is for her to apologise. "Still doesn't mean we're going to be friends though."

I force a small smile, "Yeah I think that's for the best given the recent turn of events."

She pauses for a moment and bursts out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask perplexed.

She tries to stifle her laughter, "Oh nothing. Could you imagine Zak'd face if he found out?!"

"I don't know if he would be furious or impressed!" I smirk, hiding my true feelings.

I hate you, I love you - A Lando Norris storyWhere stories live. Discover now