2. Motokazu Saito.

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"Tada!!!" Hina exclaimed proudly as a sailor school uniform materialized in the air. The white top seemed to be made from a magical cling film than clung to every curve, and the pink and blue plaid skirt was so short it was treading close to glorified belt territory.

"Yeah, there's no way in hell I'm wearing that," Y/N deadpanned as she saw the sorry excuse for a school uniform.

"But it's your school uniform!" Hina whined childishly, their violet eyes wide and pleading. "You have tooooooo!"

"No, I do not," she shot down their idea, shoving the floating entity away as she turned to the door. "I already told you, I'm not going to school. I'm going looking for a job… preferably bartending, the tips are great."

"BUT YOU CAN'T!" the lingerie-clad being wailed, pulling at their two-tone hair as though her words were causing them physical pain. "The heroine of an otome game is supposed to be sweet, soft, and innocent, not a FUCKING BARTENDER!!!"

"That sounds like a YOU problem to me,"  Y/N crossed her arms, incredibly tired of the complaining from her tormentor. She turned back to the door "Whatever, see ya-"

"WAIT-" Hina protested in a voice so shrill it hurt her ears. "Wait, I'll give you 1000¥ if you wear this and go to school, ok?" They bargained, grasping  at straws, clearly desperate for Y/N to comply.

"Only if you say please," she said in a mock baby voice, placing a hand on her hip and waiting expectantly. "And I want 10,000¥."

Hina sighed, visibly deflating and sinking several feet. Very disappointed, they eventually gave in. "Fineeeeeeeeeeee, will you PLEASE wear this uniform and go to school like the heroine is SUPPOSED to for 10,000¥." The money materialized in their hand as they dejectedly compensated her. 

"Yes, I will. Pleasure doing business with you," Y/N shook their hand, a smug smile on her face as she took the cash.

The smile stayed on her face as she left the sulking being in her bedroom and went to get dressed in the bathroom. Antagonizing Hina is more fun than I thought, she giggled as she dressed in the incredibly appropriate uniform, I should do it more often.

Finishing up with her morning routine, she slammed the door open, hands on her hips as she confidently proclaimed, "Alright!!! Now that I'm dressed like a stripper, let's go to school!!!"

She marched out of her apartment, Hina floating behind with cartoonish tears running down their face, "Please don't say things like that about my game's uniform…"

. . .

Y/N took the unfamiliar walk from her apartment to the school, the main setting of the otome game. Her alleged childhood friend Motokazu Saito had given her a lecture about being late the moment she stepped out the door, he was still going on and on as he walked next to her, but Y/N toned him out ages ago.

Hina floated whimsically above them, looking very smug that Y/N was finally cooperating with the story of their game, even if it was in a small way.

She kept her eyes peeled, scanning the picturesque streets looking for something. Her face lit up when she caught sight of a convenience store on the corner. "Just a sec, I gotta buy something," she interrupted the lanky man's rant as she started into the store.

"What are you doing Y/N?!" He protested, chasing after her. He tried to convince her to continue the walk to school, checking his watch nervously. "We're going to be late for school." He tried to reason with his friend as she raced to the clothing section and grabbed a pair of leggings.

Y/N snorted as she took the clothes to the counter and paid for them with the cash she bargained from Hina earlier. "Better late and dressed then on time with my ass exposed, that's premium shit." She took her change before walking to the changing room to put on the extra garment. "You can go on ahead if you like-"

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