Bonus: 1+1=" "

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The first moment of self-realization. What does that even mean? If you're talking about oldest memories, though, hers was logged before the age of one

I presume this is Immanity's queen?The crowd chattered

"Nyah-hah-hah, I want to see how these two think! Don't you agree Jibsy?"

Two flugel watching as some flugel also arrived but noticeable not a lot

"Yes, I also want to see the enigma that is " " So I an record it in the fanbo- ehem Bible"

She didn't actually remember the first words she spoke. But the motherly woman who heard them, the pale face looking down at her—that was her earliest memory

Soon she was left in a white institution. A girl born too white in a building with white walls. Though there were other children there, she tried to blend into the background. Keeping her strangely ruby-red eyes cast every downward. Always facing a stack of Western books—a decided mismatch with a little Japanese girl not yet even two years old.

This is how they create geniuses in that world..? Isn't cruel to keep kids like that in a room especially no window no other color than white? Most immanity agreed

"Shrine Priestess should we try what the Immanity did, It may be crue-"

"I'd like to but I don't really want more of those 2 roaming around everywhere"

Jokingly as the Shrine Priestess watching drinks her sake

"We can just teach them manners unlike tho-" Ino was cut off by Shrine Priestess stare, being reminded of something

"Pardon my rudeness"
Ino apologized

It was around then that she learned of games.

The white-clad grown-ups brought out all these games they called "Intelligence tests". But they were all too simple, too boring. No fun to play with anyone—these gamed. With only the word unmeasurable left behind, after a while there was no one who would play with her. After about a year in the institution, she realized it was more torebale to play by herself. As the little girl continued playing both sides, in chess, shogi, go, etc., she blended into the background. Eventually, not even the white-clad adults tried to talk to her.

...Silent, stark-white memories.
A series of memories labeled simply:boring—

"I presume this world only has immanity right Jibsy?"

"Oh? Yes their technology far exceeds those of this world yet even as 1 race most of them are rather apathetic to those who they don't have a connection"

"quite foolish since they are all one race"

As Jibril finnaly looked at her Big Sister after only focusing on the screen infront of her

A screen(which was obviously inspired by the screen infront of them) appeared to only 2 of them that showed Sora

(The underlined are what Jibril is Presenting) "Master, I'm sorry to say this but not all the Imanity act with the same level of thought that you do"

"But some of them do and most of the time, they're misunderstood. It's my duty to try and understand them."

Jibril who disagrees yet not wanting to disagree with him

"You can say what you're thinking. 'How can you believe in a lesser life form like humanity'"

"No, I wasn't—"
Cutting her off Sora said

"The answer is simple. I don't believe in humanity. Humans are lowly, stupid, creatures. Every single one of them, Including me. They're all crap. Between this world and the old one that hasn't changed a bit..."


"But I believe in the potentioal of humanity. She's my proof"
Patting his sister Shiro in the head as she sleeps
"Some of them are the real thing... People with the potential, the hope, the fantasies, that can reach the gods themselves, all inside one tiny little body. The first day I met Shiro... It was eight years ago

(The video presented to the both of the flugels and the one infront of the crowd synced"

"It was eight years ago. She was just three years old. When she heard mu name, whay do you think her first response was? 'You really are empty.' She put together my name Sora, meaning 'sky', and the fact that I was only smiling because everybody else was, and insulted me with that double meaning. It made my heart pound. I was so excited. The real thing actually existed! And, even though I knew it was impossible, I wantdd to be like her. In our old world, humans could fly through the sky"

"I can't believe that"
Jibril expressed her disbelief

"Everybody, even humanity themselves, though that. But somebody did it. Somebody, the real thing, made it there. Its our job as normal people to ensure that the potential of those misunderstood ones is realized."

Both presentations ended

The crowd, the two werebeast officials, the flugels all thought at the same time
"The more I learn about these two, the more questions are given than answers"

So I'm making the entirety of Volume 8(Not 7 since there aren't really anything I can make them react to there) So if you see this before the reaction for Volume 8 comes out it means its almost done

If you see this after the reaction for Volume 8 released it means I was ahead of schedule, this is just a backup to put out if I dont reach the time limit I planned, other than that hope u like this Bonus :)

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