Episode 5: Azril

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The 2 who had been silent finnaly opened their mouths
"Left, right: four, four drawn"
"...Left: shal, yoo, pahs, sel. Right: reyt, er, not, roh. Missing one"
"Collect, draw above. Twelve?"
"...Syllables: five. Complete...but risky"
Following the report style exchange Sora resumed to speaking complete sentences
"Risk acknowledged! Lets get em!!"
"...Roger! Left Shiro, brother right. Left shoulder, right wing, left elbow, hip!"

The crowd were already impressed on how they were even on par against a race who flew their whole life, but they were also mesmerized on how they were so dependent on each other being as if one entity, One Player, no their best PLAYER, The Player who took the throne, the player who beat all odds and beat the mind reading werebeast and the Player who was enjoying themselves in a game against 100 Flugel, Blank

As the audience all over trust over their king and queen increased the two once again done something that keeps them hooked in as if it they were fish on a hook with bait

"Lets do it, Shiro"
The two had brought their 2 free hands to form a word and in a flash of light targetting eight flugel. The pair held their handd out left and right and shouted
Apparently the two opened a space throught the flugel and took the syllables on them

As alot were happening many wondered what world did this two come from, why do they look as if they don't care if they're in this world or another what kind of event happened for them to trust each other that much and lastly why Tet chose them, did he call them to save Immanity? as all these question rushed the head of the audience

They were flying but showed themselves in open air, the flugles were wary of a new strategy but they couldn't let the oppurtunity go and rushed in with arc like patterns, as they got near the two they shouted
"Well as long as we dont let our guard down, we're pretty much safe from getting caught"
The two went on about beating the game 100% wanting to have all the syllables, those two really loves to enjoy themselves in games that coulf make even the calmest person break in a cold sweat and panic

but in a unexpected event a ray almost hit one of their wings with Sora flapping his to adjust their weight and barely dodging the stray bullet

"Jibril!! Who said they could attack us??!"
"No, Masters its a homing spell, once it reaches a promixity to its traget, it will bind its target and pull it in"
"Okay, Ill rephrase that. We didnt hear anything about a projectile"
As the 3 squabbled with their options Sora asked
"How many can those they can fire?"
"Good question.. depends on the individual, maybe six or so?
"Oh good so they won't waste them easily"
"Oh no masters, I meant they can launch six or so at once. There is no limit
"I was a fool to think you freaks had limits!"

The crowd were getting more excited not carrying about the outcome but just enjoying the show they were given

As the two manuevered through the bullets that were getting more accurate and harder to dodge until they were met into a situation that seemed to be impossible for them to escape, and a word wasnt even a choice since they couldn't form any useful words until Sora remembered something
Jibrils words: Proximity
"Why do we have to dodge it? This is our chance!! Shiro, up!"
With full confidence in his brother Shiro followed
He accelerated up having no room for them to hide from the barrage of light but just dodge through instinct

Woo! Whats your new plan now? These suicidal freaks. Are all humans from their world like this? The crowd seemingly used to the two's reckless nature and unpredictability was already ready for whats about to come

When Sora looked at the origin of the barrage of light, he saw it came from the ground meaning they can't shoot without landing, Sora grabbed the cube and slamming the word he had and screamed "Rotate!!"
In a moment of glitchy lag ignoring all the hard work of scientist and physicist and Avant Heim spun horizontally

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