"Do you have my papers?" Was the first thing he said, Lilith put he hand to her back pocket and pulled out papers. What were they for? And why did he need them?

"Good, good. For the first time you listened" I'm guessing this man was Louis.

"I'll let you leave this room, alive. If you hand me those papers without any trouble" he chuckled, I scanned the room and noticed that we were surrounded. The two guards had their guns aimed at us, then two more appeared behind from behind.

I didn't know what we were supposed to do, so I glanced at Eliza. She looked at the guard on my right, and discreetly nodded towards him, I quickly caught on to what she wanted me to do. I'll take him and she'll deal with the ones behind.

I never knew I could see the world go in slow motion, things that you see happen fast are much slower when you're living them. I shot the guy on the right, which was the signal for Eliza to turn around and kill the men behind us, when I was about to shoot the second guy Lilith was already on him.

But what I didn't pay attention to was Louis. He stood up and threw something towards Lilith when she was busy dealing with the guard, I was slow and I couldn't do anything about so I just watched the object fly her way. But then in a blink of an eye, someone pushed Lilith out of the way before that thing could hit her.

"L-Lilith?" We heard her say, I blinked a few times to try and take in what just happened. Eliza who was once standing between us was now next to Lilith, in her chest was a needle pierced in her skin. The woman who I've always seen so tough and scary, looking terrified and very sick. She pulled it out of her chest and dropped it.

"Eli?" Lilith whispered and caught her friend before she fell down on the ground, Lilith kneeled with Eliza's head laying on her lap. I've never seen Lilith cry, I've never seen her shed a single tear or show emotions other than anger.

I noticed Louis trying to move away so I shot him, but not somewhere to kill him, just so he doesn't move, one shot to the leg and the other one his side. He fell back down on his chair holding his wound whining in pain.

"Eli...I'm so sorry my friend" Lilith sobbed holding Eliza's head closer to her chest, the woman was paler than ever, her eyes were barely open and she was panting harshly.

"I can feel...pain?" she whispered softly, Lilith put her palm to her mouth and cut it then tried to make Eliza drink it, to try and heal her or at least help her. But Eliza smiled weakly and shook her head no then gently pushed Lilith's hand away. We all knew it wasn't going to do anything.

"Thank you, your majesty. For trusting me, it has been...my honor" Eliza's voice was weak yet strong and dedicated, Lilith cried harder and pulled Eliza closer to her. I kneeled next to them and I felt Eliza's hand touch mine.

"Take care of Sammy for me, please" she said with a gentle smile, I could see the love she carried for this family, the care and protectiveness, I could see how much all of them meant to her.

Eliza's eyes slowly started to turn black, the veins around her face, neck and chest were turning to a dark blue color, almost black. She blinked a few times and the tears that she shed were a dark blue. I couldn't look at her anymore, I couldn't watch her die, so I closed my eyes tightly and all I heard was her desperate breathes for air.

"Goodbye, my dear friend" I heard Lilith whisper weakly, I slowly opened my eyes to realize that Eliza has stopped breathing, Lilith softly closed her eyes and gently touched her friend's face.

"I might have lost everything tonight...but nothing will make me as proud and happy as watching you suffer Lilith Falcon" the man said with a dark chuckle, Lilith gently laid Eliza's head on the floor before slowly standing up.

"Take her out of here" she ordered without looking at me but I knew her order was for me, I  threw the rifle to the side and picked up Eliza from the ground. Without saying another word I left that room and didn't even bother to glance back, I knew exactly what was gonna happen.

"Lola?" I heard Dalida call my name, she came closer to where I was and with horrified eyes she stared down at Eliza's body.

"Where's Lilith?" She asked, I nodded towards the door at the end of the hallway and Dalida disappeared.

I quickly left the warehouse, some of Dalida's men were outside waiting, they stared at me confused and wondered what happened to Eliza. They all fixed their postures and bowed down to her in respect.

It surprised me how much everyone respected this woman. I, myself respected her and I didn't even know her that much.

Eliza my baby 🥺



Broken Strings GxG (intersex) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang