Find you | Chapter two

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I am so sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy and I never felt like I really wanted to when I had time. but now I finally did, if anyone even wants to read. c:

Where am I? Where's Newt?
That's the first question that pops into my head as soon as I'm awake.

I'm laying on a cold concrete floor, my head is still dizzy and I have headache from the hit.
I sit up and take support with my hands so I don't faint. I'm dragging myself to a wall, where I can rest my head.

I try to look around but It's hard since there's no windows and no electricity. As I can tell, It's just a concrete room with four equal walls, like a box. I can't even see a door, but I know there is one somewhere.

Suddenly, that door opens. Light hits the room and I can finally see what my "prison cell" looks like, and It's exactly what I thought it looked like.

A boy that might be at the same age at me place a bowl with food as close as he reaches from the door.
I look up at his face to meet his eyes, but he doesn't look back. Not even once. He just leaves the cell.

I try to reach the food without moving my whole body, but I can't. I begin to crawl but I realize that everything just feels worse when I do. But I finally reach for the bowl and sit back.

I don't know how long I've been here and I don't know for how long I was out. I hope not too long, I should ask next time. Not that I can think they'll answer me.

I begin to eat and I realize that last time I ate was when Newt found those apples and when we ran, here. That last word fades away slowly. Almost like a whisper.
I wish Newt was here, I would much rather have him here than being alone. I barely know him, and when we meet again I swear I'm going to get to know him better. I'm going to get out of here sooner or later.

Once I finish my meal I place the bowl next to me and again, I fall asleep.

The second time I wake up my headache is gone and I feel alot better. Even though my body isn't completely fine.

The door opens again and this time the boy who tricked us shows up. I start to back away from the door as he bends down to take my bowl. When I think he's about to leave, he turns around and close the door. Now I can see his face clearly.

He look me in my eyes as I back away further. I make sure I don't drop his gaze, I want him to see what they've done to me. I lost Newt out there.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you."
I have no chance if he attacks, I'm weak and my katana is gone.

If a gaze could kill, he would be dead by now, I don't even answer him, I just want him to see how angry I am.

He comes closer and tries to lay a helping hand on my shoulder. I shake it off.
"I just.." he lowers his voice. "I'm going to help you."

I raise an eyebrow.
"to get out of here." He adds.

I give him another death glare.
"You put me here, why would you help me get out of here?" I spit out.

Even if my anger is all over me, he stays calm.
"I saw how he looked at you, he couldn't do anything. But I know that he wanted to."
Yeah I hope he wanted to. The voice in my head says.

"How do I know that I can trust you?" he shrughs.
"You don't know that, but would you rather stay here than have a chance out there? I think about what he said.
Even if he tricks me again, I have a chance. If I just sit here, I might never see Newt again.

Yeah, I would rather see Newt than sit here and fade away.
I nod.
"When do we escape?"
It's something about that gaze that makes me believe him. He brings me some water that he had placed next to the door.

"Tomorrow morning, make sure you get some sleep, It's not gonna be an easy mission."
I take a sip from the glass and nod.
Then he leaves the cell in silence.

I'm going to find you Newt. I promise.


Not the best & funniest chapter to read, I know, and it was quite short as well. But It's going to get better.
Also, I would like to add, that I'm not going to make the escape easy and fast and I won't make Newt & Wendy meet after one chapter, so stay tuned. (:

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