💉where are u?💀

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Third person

POV Third person

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6 Hours later

"Tecchou!" Jouno yelled as he ran continuously threw the city's and Houses Trying to find Tecchou with no luck "WHERE ARE YOU TECCHOU!!" Jouno yelled again but making his voice more clear ".." a man with brown hair and bandages walked out with a few other people "TE- eh?" Jouno was about to yell his name when he realised it was not him

"Hello!" Dazai said As he raised his hand and started waving "who are u and where is Tecchou?" Jouno asked walking up to the group "Jouno?" Teruko and Fukuchi say at the same time

"Teruko and Fukuchi.. I thought you'd die already.." Jouno said with a straight face a bit disappointed

"WHAT!" Teruko yelled mad now but Fukuchi held her back from Attacking Jouno "Where's Tecchou anyways?" Fukuchi asked as He remembered jouno yelling for Tecchou.

"He's missing.." Jouno replied a bit Down Now in his Voice

"Sorry abt that Uhm who's this Tecchou?" Dazai replied"he's a stupid Person Who's like a Friend.. Kinda to me" Jouno replied as he started to have a light blush.

"I get it now!" Dazai said Acting like a light bulb had appeared on his head and "your gay!" Dazai said pointing at Jouno who looked disgusted and confused "What do u mean "I'm Gay!"Jouno said about to fight this man.

"I can't disagree tho you sound like a couple" Chuuya said chipping in The conversation "Well we're not!" Jouno said turning away to keep trying to find Jouno "well Do u you know where the helicopter is or safe base" chuuya said again as Jouno pointed over to a alley way "go down their they'll be guards to make sure ur safe "What about you?" Teruko said "I'm looking for Tecchou still." Jouno said as he ran Away Wanting to find Tecchou again

" Jouno said as he ran Away Wanting to find Tecchou again

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