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This is my first time making a selectively mute character so tell me if I do something wrong.



The great question endures: who would win in a fight between Nietzsche's Übermensch and Mandroid? The answer is...Werewolf Prince. It's always Werewolf Prince! (Genderbent Werewolf Queen SI-OC)


Dreams. They are like the mirrors of the soul. Everyone has dreams they want to achieve, whether they are as small as catching a ball or as big as ruling the world. Of course, not all of them are realistic or good. Some are just impossible and some shouldn't ever happen.

But regardless of what they are, dreams are what drive us forwards. They are what keeps us alive for another day, giving us a sense of longing for a better tomorrow. A well nurtured dream can allow for greatness.

But what if something didn't have a dream? Well, it would be as if they didn't have a soul. And this brings us to a slender young adult with pale skin and short dyed white hair wearing a black turtleneck sweater and black pants laying on his back on the floor of a small apartment and typing something on his phone.

His name was Rainer. He was currently drawing a character from one of the tv shows he liked. A hobby he was good at. He didn't have any dreams to become a professional artist; he was always told it was unrealistic. Alas, he was told he was very good at it.

Rainer narrowed his eyes as he stared at the empty canvas he was meant to turn into a drawing before his phone slipped out of his hand and fell onto his face. Rainer sighed as he left his phone on his face. It wasn't changing much that the phone was now on his face, so he left it there.

And so, Rainer remained in this state for a while until an alarm started ringing and the boy slowly got off the floor.

It was time to head to work.


At the local hardware store, Rainer was wearing his uniform and was restocking the shop. It was his job among other things. But his job explicitly didn't include helping customers and for good reason.

So when an elderly woman suddenly approached him, he was quick to freeze in a panic.

"You. You work here, right? Where can I find the locks?" She said in an impatient tone, causing Rainer to gulp.

Talking wasn't his specialty. He tried to use sign language to speak to the old lady, to convey where the locks were. Unfortunately, the old lady misunderstood the meaning of these signs.

"Are you making fun of me?!" Exclaimed the old lady angrily before smacking him with her can. "Where's your boss? I need to have a word with them about YOUR ATTITUDE!"

For a split second, Rainer almost tried to use sign language again before stopping and staring at his hands with a tired expression. It wouldn't make a difference what he did.

A few moments later, a man with a decently large frame wearing the same uniform as Rainer except it had the words owner and Steve on a card on its chest entered the scene.

"Hey! What's going on here?" He asked in a firm tone as he crossed his arms.

The old lady was quick to act. "Your employee was harassing me with those weird gestures of his! I demand he be fired!"

It's Always Werewolf PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now