Chapter 27

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🕸️CHAPTER 27🕸️

*🕸️Julia's POV🕸️*

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*🕸️Julia's POV🕸️*

"Hey, gang." Velma calls, her attention on the writing on the wall, the explosion has made a huge hole in the wall "Beware who enters the Monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive." Velma reads the lettering to us, I was curious to know what was on the otherside of that wall.

The rest of the gang made their way through the hole, to discover even something more terrifying, a big ass machine.

"Oh, my."

"Look! It’s the costumes from the museum!" Fred points out, what in the world were we looking at, was the only question I wanted to ask.


"Miner 49er."

"Captain Cutler." Shaggy mutters.

"I bet they’re all here." Fred states.

"He must have used the costumes to make real monsters, which implies…" Velma speaks up, trailing off. "He needs the costumes to make the monsters, which implies…" Fred adds as some of the unasked questions gets their answers. "He already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume somehow, which implies…" Daphne says, but the look on Velma's face had me concerned.

"Patrick’s the one." Velma says, but not in a happy tone.

"Aw! Velma’s in love." Daphne says, not actually understanding what Velma was implying.

"No, I mean the one. The bad guy. That’s why he wanted to go out with me. To see what we knew." Velma corrects her, the sadness was written all over her face.

"We just saw Patrick at the bad guys’ hangout. He was working both sides of Psycho Street." Shaggy tells her, I wanted to slap him against his head, he wasn't making this any better.

"I don’t know who’s behind this, but we don’t need him transforming more costumes. Let’s find a way to shut down this monster-maker for good." Fred states seriously. Daphne's attention was on something else. "Guys? What’s over here? This light is strange." She points out, Fred and Velma followed her to take a closer look.

"Scooby-Doo. We’re the ones that found this place. Score one for the big guys! Now we need to keep acting like mondo-groovy detectives. Come on." Shaggy says, they walked closer to the machine, I could only follow to see what they could possibly find next.

Shaggy tripped over a rock, when he caught his balance, he accidentally stepped on something on the floor, a big round metal ball appeared behind them, it opened up, showing some kind of panel.

"Like, wowee."

Shaggy and Scooby started pushing random buttons, which I didn't stop them from doing I probably should have. "Cool! Like, "tuneage." My name is Shaggy Fresh and im the best of solving crimes when the monsters see my face they start to scream and shake like a girl with Justin Timberlake." Shaggy sings as they kept on pressing buttons.

"My name is Scooby Fresh..." Scooby's singing was unclear it only sounded like a bunch of gibberish.
"We're the greatest dectectives." They sang together, when some noises came from behind us.

"Like, what’s that weird sound?" Shaggy asks, turning around we were surrounded by monsters, well wasn't that just great.

"Captain Cutler!"

"Miner 49er! The Tar Monster! We have… to remain… calm." Shaggy says, his voice going a little high pitch at the end, I tried thinking of a way we could possibly get away from them all.

"AH!" Scooby screams out terrified.

"Calm, Scooby-Doo! You’re not being calm!" Shaggy yells out in panic, I gave him a slap across the face. "I needed that." Shaggy says, Scooby slapped him again. "I needed that, too." Shaggy says again, Scooby punched him in the face this time. "You’re pushing your luck, Scoob!" Shaggy yells at his best friend.

"You girls find anything?" Fred asks as they appear back from where they went, only to find us, in the middle of all the monsters.

"He did it." Scooby says pointing at Shaggy.

"Scoob!" Shaggy says in disbelieve. I only held onto his shirt, praying for this nightmare to be over with.

"Fred, disconnect that control panel! Maybe it’ll stop the machine!" Velma says, Fred came sliding down a ladder, grabbing the panel, he rolled over the monsters back, to avoid getting hit by some of their attacks it gave us time to get away too.

"Come on, this way! Quick, the elevator!" Shaggy says, leading everyone to the elevator, a monster appeared halfway, we ducked running past it, avoiding the possibility of getting shocked to a crisp.

"Like, The 10,000 Volt Ghost!"

"Come on, Scoob!" Shaggy yells, as we all were already on the elevator, Scooby jumped in and we went back up again.

The 10 000 volt ghost were following us up, "We’re gonna die!" Shaggy states in fear. "Shaggy, you gotta think positive." I tell him trying to not get electrified. "We’re gonna die quickly!" Shaggy says, trying to make it sound more positive.

"Wait for me!" The ghost yells up at us.

The elevator came to a stop, we got out fast, the ghost appearing right infront of us once again.

The skeleton men came jumping out of a crate from behind us, running for our lives, the gang also got split up. Shaggy, Scooby and I were being chased by the skeleton men.

"An exit!" Shaggy points out, when he opened the door, there was nowhere to go accept to fall to our death. "Run, Shaggy!" Scooby yells, pushing us both out the door to fall down, to our deaths.

I had a soft landing on Shaggy's back, we got back on our feet and started running, the skeleton men not that far behind us. "Let’s book, Scoob." Shaggy says. We kept on running until we couldn't run anymore, there was no path to run down any further.

"Oh, boy."

Shaggy took a look around, and I knew whatever he was about to do, I wasn't going to like it. He grabbed the garbage cans lid. "Let’s rip it, Scoob!" Shaggy says, he grabs my waist pulling me with him, as he slid down the mountain.


I hid my face in the crook of his neck closing my eyes, too afraid to watch what was happening.

"We’re getting rad! Like, this pipe’s ripping, Scoob!"


I was only able to feel the bumps we hit, and the wind against my skin, but I didn't dare opening my eyes. Shaggy hit a bump, it threw us in the air, he landed on his butt on the garbage lid, I fell on his lap, clinging to him once again.

"Scooby!" Shaggy yells.

We flew off the mountain, falling straight into the mystery machine. My body was screaming in pain, but things could have ended up worse.

"Are you guys okay?" Daphne asks us, closing the van's door.

"Sure. As long as you define okay as in massive agony." Shaggy says, we did our best to get back up, without hurting anything else. "You okay?" Shaggy ask me softly, touching my cheek ever so gently. "I'll be fine." I told him.

"We should get back to headquarters." Fred says, but that wouldn't be such great idea. "No! That’ll be the first place they’ll look for us." Daphne points out to him.

"I think I know where to go." Velma speaks up, after no one else had something to say.


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