Change of scenery - usually a temporary shift from your routine work and surroundings to something and somewhere desirably different.


Win Metawin always knew that his parents wanted to give their best love and effort to their children. Sometimes it will be in the form of time, advice, support, and encouragement, as well as opportunities. If there is one thing that is most common among parents around the globe, it is seeing their children happy and stable.

"Metawin, son, will you join me at my study?"

When Win's father asked him to join him in his study room, Win already sensed that his father was about to show some parental love. In what shape will it be this time?

Win remained quiet when he noticed his father had a thoughtful expression on his face. It seemed like he needed a moment to choose the right words to say.

"Son," his father started, and Win offered him his full attention.

"I know you are busy with your career and you have a lot of projects on your way, but I don't think it's right for me to decide on what to do with this rare opportunity without telling you," Wanchai, Win's father, explained. "I want you to decide for yourself."

"Dad's stalling. Just what kind of opportunity is it to make him do this?" Win wondered to himself and nodded his head to signal his father to continue.

"A friend of mine mentioned that a famous pâtissier will be teaching at a well known culinary school in France. I'm sure you've heard of him, Jacques."

Win's mouth formed an 'O' about the news.

"He agreed to teach and share his knowledge and techniques with a selected batch of students who are interested in learning more about pastries. The limited application slots are open for people around the world, but only a few from the limited slots are going to be selected," Wanchai further explained. "And I've got a slot for you to apply."

Win blinked in surprise when he heard he already had a slot. He thought his dad shared the news to ask if he wanted to get a slot.

"How about P'Ming?" Win asked. This opportunity will also be good for his sister since the two of them are really interested in making pastries.

Wanchai smiled. "I also got a slot for your sister too. I was able to talk to her first, and she rejected it. She asked me to give up her slot."

"She rejected it?" Win reacted in disbelief. He was certain that she would jump at the rare opportunity without a second thought. "Why?"

Wanchai smiled and said, "I think N'Ming will be able to explain it better to you." Win nodded, agreeing that he should ask her sister himself about her reason.

Wanchai placed a folder in front of Win and said, "These are the details about the program. The qualifications, curriculum, and the time period for the classes are also included."

Win opened the folder and flipped through the pages while Wanchai took a moment to watch his son's eyes light up in fascination. "Wow. This is indeed a rare opportunity, dad," Win commented.

"It is." Wanchai agreed and flipped to a specific page that he wanted Win to check. "And I hope you can consider this chance thoroughly and make a decision that you won't regret. Although, you have to mind the application's deadline." He pointed at the application and course period details.

Win pursed his lips when he saw the date and thought, "That's a couple weeks from now."

Wanchai noted Win's expression and tapped his shoulder. "Whether you'll accept or reject this, the final decision will be yours. Your mother and I will respect and support your decision." He smiled at his son reassuringly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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