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THE OTHER schools were arriving that day.

Most people at Hogwarts were feeling tense about the new arrivals, except for Laura. New people were the least of her worries as a month ago, everyone was a new student to her.

Laura, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco made their way down to the Great Hall, which looked completely different from when they were there the night before.

Giant silk banners representing each of the houses were lined around the hall. The teachers' table held the largest, bearing the Hogwarts' coat of arms.

"You know, I heard that Viktor Krum goes to Durmstrang," Blaise said as they sat down. "That means he could be here tonight."

"Gross," Laura said, putting food on her plate.

"What?" Blaise said, seemingly taken aback. "You have a problem with Bulgaria's Quidditch team?"

"It's a bandwagon team," Laura said bluntly. "Nothing against the team, but most people who like Bulgaria are only like them because they win a lot or because everyone else likes them too."

"We could never be a couple or even close friends," Draco said as he and Blaise bumped shoulders. "I love Bulgaria, and so does Blaise. I think you're going to have to make some new friends."

"That doesn't change any of my plans, Blondie," Laura said, stifling a laugh. "I'm not interested in dating you. Besides that, Pansy has my back."

Pansy rolled her eyes at their conversation.

"Quidditch players and their teams," she sighed, "does it really matter?"

"Yes," Blaise, Draco, and Laura said simultaneously.

"You know, speaking of the other schools," Draco said, "I almost went to Durmstrang this year. My father wasn't keen on me coming to Hogwarts this year."

"It wouldn't have done you any good then, huh," Laura said. "You still would have gotten to meet me."

"Yeah, yeah," Draco said, "but then I wouldn't be constantly stuck with you."

"Oh no, you would've," Pansy said bluntly. "We would have made you come sit with us still."


When Draco said he wanted to slick his hair back, Laura stopped him immediately.

"No," Laura said. She ended up doing his hair in the common room. "Pansy showed me pictures of you in your first and second years. You looked like a wannabe Greaser."

"A what?" Draco asked as she fluffed his hair up.

Laura sighed in frustration. Draco's hair wasn't cooperating, and he didn't know what The Outsiders was.

"It's from a movie called The Outsiders," she said, then mumbling, "Purebloods."

"Aren't you a Pureblood?" Draco asked, looking up at her.

"I dunno, am I?" Laura said sarcastically, finishing Draco's hair. "I've finished. You're ready to flirt with some girls or something... I don't know what you do."

"That's the last thing I will be doing," Draco said, standing up to go outside.

As they stood outside, Laura was grateful she had grabbed a jacket. It was definitely cold.

by my side¹ - d. malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now