Akanes and Goliaths past

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Back before akane and her little sister Aya lived in peace before everything fell apart. Akane who was 17 at the time was shown hiding behind a tree as she watches Goliath with love.

She wore a beautiful dress that was made of silk as she wore her two favorite colors which were black and emarled green. Her sister Aya would always tease her about her crush on Goliath.

Goliath was chopping up would for the winter that was to come as she giggles to her self before gasping hiding when Goliath turns her way.

"Akane"Aya yells from the field making akane worry as she picks up the bottom of her dress as she quickly runs to the field before glaring seeing men trapping her sister "hey!"she shouts angry gaining there attention.

"Well lookie here a girl who thinks she strong"a men says who was holding a struggling Aya.

"Let my sister go now"she orders but they just laugh as one walks up to her grabbing her chin"you both would catch a fine price right men"he says laughing.

That angered akane as she grabs his arm crushing it as the men screams in pain as her eyes glow emarled green as the men looks up in fear before his head was soon ripped off as the other man stand in shock before rushing at her angrily as Aya was shoved harshly to the ground with a cry.

Akane fights them off one by one until one pulls out a dagger going to stab her from behind as ayas eyes widen in horror "sister look out!"she yells as akane turns around in slow motion as blood sprays but it wasn't her blood.

Akanes eyes widen in horror as Goliath stands in front of her as he was stabbed in the chest before falling to the ground gasping as he bleeds out.

"Noo!" Akane yells in anguish before punching her hand through the man's head as bloods sprays out before she rips her hand out as the men falls to the ground dead.

Akane them rushes over to a gasping Goliath with tears as she falls down beside him grabbing his face "don't you dare die on me I love you Goliath"she cry's before thinking as she then gets an idea before bringing her wrist to her lips as he fangs come out as she takes enough as some slides down the side of her chin before grabbing Goliaths face gently before connecting there lips as they share there first kiss as Aya watches shocked.

Akane transfers the blood from her mouth to his as they share a kiss as some slides down the side of his face before akane slowly pulls away as Goliath closed his eyes tightly before letting out a scream of pain as the blood transforms everything inside of him as he was slowly becoming like akane as she cry's softly holding him to her as he goes through the painful transformation.

That day Goliath become her Chevalier as well as he mate as they stayed 17 havening stopped aging they protected each other as Aya had also found her mate over the years as she was know pregnant with twins.

Soon it was time for there 30 year sleep as the two sisters were shown laying in there coffins akane looks up at Goliath once more before her eyes slowly closed as she goes into a 30 year sleep as her coffin slowly closed as Goliath watches over her resting place until she awakens.

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