Up The Creek

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"Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer-camp experience, a canoe trip." Chris motions to the water where seven canoes laid on the sand. "You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake..." He changes his demeanor, using a "spooky" voice. "To Bony Island." Then back to normal. "When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through the treacherous, dense jungle." Chris explains.

"We've got to pour what?" Geoff rubs the back of his head. "Portage." Chris does air quotations with his fingers, but the blond still doesn't get it, even a fly goes around his head. "Dude, walk with your canoe." The host simplifies then winks. "Ohhh."

"When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move, campers! Move!" He suddenly shouts at us and we start moving it, jogging towards the beach.

"Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention!" He calls after us, halting our movements. "Legend has it, if you take anything off the island you'll be cursed forever!" Thunder then goes off in the sky at the most perfect moment to correctly strike fear into everyone around.

"Yeah!" Owen cheers, giggling. "A cursed island! Woo!" He celebrates, we all blankly stare at him, he finally stops. "Now, get in your canoes and have some fun." Chris tells us and this time we walk, Owen still excited about it all.

"Chris told us to pick a paddle partner. Even though I kind of stopped pining after [Name] I still like her so maybe I can make my move." Cody grins, acting suave.

"I really just want to go to sleep, something feels weird about today." [Name] hugs herself.

I walked beside Heather as we made our way to the stairs, "So, you're sitting besides me, right?" Heather asks me and I look up at her. "For the pretend friend thing, of course." She adds on and my mouth goes into the shape of an 'o'. Completely forgetting that was a thing. I nod in response. "Great, see you at the canoe, paddle buddy." She grins, walking away leaving me alone.

Not for long though as Gwen comes up to me. "Hey, I wanted to apologize. For me avoiding you... And I just think maybe we could use the canoe time to talk?" She offers, nervously playing with her fingers. I take a deep breath going to answer but an arm wraps around me before I could even let a breath out.

"Hey, [Name], you, me, and the canoe?" Cody smirks. "I asked her first, move along." Gwen pushes him off of me and my eyes widen. "Right, [Name]?" She asks in a hopeful tone. "But, [Name]. Best friends, remember? She's been avoiding you for like six days now!" He calls her out.

They angrily glare at each other and I tense up. Now they're staring at me waiting for a response. "[Name]! Come on, we don't have all day!" Heather taps her wrist impatiently and I sigh. "I'm sorry guys but I have to- I mean Heather already asked, just sit with each other or something." I wave them off, sprinting over to my paddle buddy.

"Ugh, fine, but I'm in charge." I overheard Gwen say. "That's the way I like it." Cody marches behind the girl.

I frown now standing next to Heather, starting to walk down the stairs now.

"It's not [Name] but Gwen was always my back up if [Name] and I didn't work out. Also I have that bet with Owen... Whatever this is gonna be great!" Cody then bursts into a celebration, starting to pretend to do a guitar riff with his hands.

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