Getting Drunk

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No one's POV -

The five friends have just returned from a long and exhausting shopping trip. It was about 8 PM or something and all of them were damn hungry. Everyone met at the dinning hall. They were all sitting on thir seats choosing what they want to eat when Shinnoske's eyes landed on the last column of the menu

Shin- Hey look ! This hotel also have a bar!
Kazama- Oh it does have
Nene- How about we go there and get a bit fucked up ?😏
Shin-U stole my line
Masao- Wait What !?
Kazama-*chokes on air*
Boo - What are u guys saying!
Shin - Come on a little bit of alcohol won't hurt
Nene- I agree

They had a small movement of silence and then Masao shyly said

Masao - I mean I always wanted to know what it does to us
Boo- Idk what to do
Shin- then just do what we say and Masao I am gonna get you wasted 😏

Then Nene and Shinchan forced the rest of the team members to go to bar

In the bar -
It was thir frist time in a place like this. The music was in full volume with intoxicated people dancing like no tomorrow. The smell of bear🥃 and cigrette filled the room. They found themselves a table and sat. Shinnoske also ordered two bottles of wine

Shin- Okay lets h-

He was cut off by Kazama

Kazama- We can't drink we are fucking underaged. Let's just leave this place
Shin- Come on like we are 17
Kazama-16 Shinchan
Shin- New year's coming soon so we are 17
Masao- Come on Kazama you are spoiling the mood
Neni -  Yeah Kazama you are talking this like there aren't a hundred underaged people drinking
Shin- Yeah

Shinnoske pointed his finger on a group of teenagers who looked younger than them and were obviously drunk

Kazama-Ok do what u people want to do but I am not drinking
Boo- Ok no pressure

Then Shinnoske clapped his hands  to grab his group's attention and said

Shinnoske- Ok guys! So let's play a game this is similar to truth or dare.

He kept one bottle of the wine in the middle

Shinnoske - the only difference is here you have the choice of either answering a question truthfully or if you are unable to answer then you have to drink !
Neni- Ok so I am in
Masao- Me to

( Oh god I thought that I will drink little but here it depends. No matter what whatever is asked I will just answer it ) Masao thought as he said so

Boo- I am also playing

Kazama- Ok so this is going be interesting to watch

Kazama chuckled

Kazama- So let spin the bottle!

Author's Note -
This part is also going to have a part 2 which I'll update today only or tomorrow. Till then Byee

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