Cassandra POV

I woke up being trapped by two dogs and demi who held me tightly against her. I tried to move as I felt her grip tightened as I moved, I laid back down as I turned my head to see her peaceful face and a Luna next to her. " Baby, i need to get up , i'm sweating over here." she didn't say much but grumble as she pulled basically on top of her . I pushed my self up as I was basically straddling her at this point, I watched as she arched her eyebrow as her eyes began to open. " No, we're not starting this again. You already did a number on me." I tried to get off her but her grip on my legs were too strong as she pushed them against her . " Baby I'm serious." I pleaded as I tried to move , she huffed as she let go of my hands watching as I crawled off her. I saw her eyes rake over my naked body, as I walked away to her closet. " Get your head out of the gutter Ripley." I heard scoff and smack her hand against the bed, walking in to the bathroom I saw my neck all covered in marks. " DEMI BENNETT, Im going to kick your ass." I stared at them and how dark they were and some were painful to touch as I poked them. About a minute later a scared Demi walked in the bathroom as I raise an eyebrow and stared into her soul. "oops" was all she said as her hand rubbed the back of her neck. I rolled my eyes as I walked into her closet and grabbed her clothes. " Hey those are my favorite sweatpants." she pointed her fingers to her Black Mass sweatpants as I walked out of her closet. " Well that sucks because they are now mine." I kissed her cheek as I pulled my hair up and walked out of the bedroom heading downstairs. I opened the back door to let the dogs out as I walked up towards the front of the house to open some windows as it was a cool morning here. I turned to my left to see a new set of french doors and a new office set up. I walked in and saw the pictures of me and Zeus , old pictures of me and Charlotte, and the picture I used to keep of me and Demi. " I know there's a lot I have to prove and I know buying things doesn't make up for it but I know you've been wanting an office here at home so I thought it would be a nice surprise for you." I felt Demi's arms wrap around my waist as she laid her chin on my head. " I love it, thank you. Are you hungry?" she nodded as she let go. " Uhh so we don't have any food here , I haven't gone grocery shopping yet. I didn't know when you were coming back. so I just havent had the time yet." She looked at me nervously. " Well I guess you're buying then, and driving because I'm not doing that for a while." We called the dogs in, locking up the house as Demi pulled her truck out , opening my door. We pulled up to the diner that was close to our house , as we walked in, the older lady who took care of me last time smiled as she waved to me. Demi and I sat in a corner booth as she came walking up asking what we'd like to drink. I ordered a coffee as did Demi and she gave us time to look over the menu. " So when do you want to talk about everything?" she asked as she looked over the menu then back at me. I sighed, placing the menu down as I looked at her. " I don't know Demi, I guess when I have an idea of what I want to say I guess." she looked at me with fear in her eyes as I knew what she was thinking. " I'm not leaving, okay, if I didn't want us to work thing out, I wouldn't have come back to you. Demi, what you did really hurt , I trusted you with my life and in one month you flipped, and took everything out on me." She nodded as she listened to what I was saying, I just looked over to the window then back at her. " I need to know I can trust you again. I guess with everything from this point forward, personal life and work. I know that you were having a rough time and all I was trying to do was help you." I hung my head down a little as I was still trying to figure out my words and how I wanted to talk about it. When the waitress came back over and took our order and our menus. I felt Demi reach for my hand as she held it across the table rubbing her thumb across my knuckles. " I know you need to learn to trust me again and you can go through my phone or come out with me whenever I go out. Whatever you need to do or what I need to do to regain that trust. I want us and I want this , I need this." I shook my head at her statement as it wasn't even close to what needed or what I wanted to happen. " Demi, i'm not one of those people who need to go through your phone or be constantly by your side. Do I go on your phone sometimes, of course but that's your phone and I give you that privacy just like you do for me. I don't need to be everywhere you go, I just want to see the respect for me and our relationship put first. When I said you bring the old version I fell in love with it doesn't mean I don't love who you are growing as now . I guess what I meant was I miss the actions or the thoughts that you had. You'd never have let Edge talk to me like that, you fought next to me. Or the one day I had to go to NXT and it was such a long night , you had dinner , my show and a glass of wine waiting for me. Not because I expected anything but because you wanted to make sure I was taken care of. Demi I don't expect anything from you but I do expect love and respect." She squeezed my hand as I paused from talking as she looked at me to continue. " I don't know what or who made you believe that I didn't love you or that I didn't care about your career Demi , because I truly believed and still believe that you will be the most dominant woman we have. I put you in the matches I did and against the people I did because I wanted to find yourself, to make you better. Look at you now, You are this unstoppable heel and the most feared woman to go against. The match I had with you this past weekend was to teach you a lesson. It wasn't to humiliate the Judgement day , like Edge will say. You lost yourself and you became an egotistical person that needed to be reminded who you are inside that ring. My dad was the one who suggested it and so did my mom. It was going to be me calling you into the ring and beating your ass myself but what good would that do for us." She gave me a heartbreaking look as if everything I've said hit her hard. The waitress brought us our food which we sat in silence as we ate. Demi paid for the bill and walked me out to the truck as she opened the door for me. " Why don't we go to the store now and get everything we need and then we can go home?" she suggested as she started her truck up as I agreed with her , as I felt her hand slip on my thigh.

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