Part 11 // real reson//

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Dayun starts jimin's flash back

Jm: hey love .....

??: hey baby

Jm: seems my baby is tried today

???: of course love

Jm: wanna cuddle

???she whinned :yes baby

The phone call intrupted called id shows
Mia ...

???; hello mia

Mia: hey bitch minji

Mj: tell whats now

Mia:  now tell me when are you goin to do that

Mj: wait for sometime

Jimin keeping on scratching her hand like baby
She chuckles at his behavior

Mia: seems you're bsy lemme call you later

Mj: hmm

Mia: bye ...

The call ends she puts her phone near the stand and starts to hug him

Jm: hmm babe what she is asking

Mj: she is asking about work given in my company director

Jm: what work

Mj: as we gonna launch our new models he ask me to do modeling for this product

Jm: do it babe it'll suit you perfectly you can also do this in our company too

(Minji is working in fashion company which is high profit holding in world "why mall" the owner of it is the number 1 richest person in korea)

Mj: oh that's not our company that's your companyman

Jm: you're my wife then you're mrs. Park then park industries is ours

Mj: but everything after our marriage

Jm: I don't know when it gonna come soon

Mj: me too babe

Jm: what else

Mj: i am tried lets sleep

Jm: okie babe

#next day

Jm: good morning love

Mj: hmmm gud morning

Jm: the beautiful goddess

Minji chuckles at his behavior

Mj : i am going to cook

She left him like that being whiny

When she is cooking he back hugged her kisses her nape

Jm: are you free today

Mj: always free for you

Jm: can we go out

Mj: yes of course mr

(Dayun: she is one and only person whom he gave all his love and trust everything himself ...... but on that day )
They went to the place were they're building their new house construction place
It was really huge

Mj : jimin i need to go restroom

Jm: wait babe i'll show you

He takes her to restroom and while they coming back the huge container which was taking from down to up where missed unfortunately minji pushed him he fallen in the small pit and the container fall on her

—————\\\\\\\LOUD VOICES OF MOURNING//////——————————

Jimin totally seems like paralyzed no movement shown or emotion he was mixed with was unexplainable

Everyone rush to that place she and the container went inside the earth.......

Her body was not finded and he totally forget himself he was taking tablets seems like mentally affected then the room of  hers as a memorable place was build were the container gone inside now you and jimin is living in the home which had been building up for them in past and that is the room he told not go i know ...........

From that he belives and blames that every one he loves left him as his father past after her and his friend then his cousin he became more weak so he take a decision not to love anyone in his life ....

Like this dayun ends her story and that is flashback of jimin which was vulnerable ......

Hey hi guys i am sorry if i make you feel bad or make you uncomfortable share with me if you loose someone you'd love more bye take care past is past and future is gonna writen by you. 💗💗

Oh my coldy ;cold ceo husbandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora