Chapter 1

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After Colin Bridgerton told Pen she was special to him and she replied, the third Bridgerton fell on the top of the world, walked to the table, and drank the third glass of brandy of the night, the first two having been to gain courage in his confrontation with lord Featherington for having taken money from the London aristocacy for his supposed mines, Wich turned out to be a total scam.

Colin directed his gaze towards the Featherington house. Pen wasn't in the area; perhaps Eloise his sister had taken her elsewhere. He drank the fourth and fifth drink consecutively, smiling like a fool when he saw lord Fife and other gentlemen approaching him.

-Mr Bridgerton! -Fife called the other gentlemen greets-

-lord Fife, gentlemen

-Are you enjoying the evening?

Colin couldn't reveal the scam yet, but knowing something this people have no idea makes him smile even harder.


-fue us it has been the most enriching

-may I know the reason?

-we were watching a dance between you and miss Featherington really interesting, are you courting the girl?

It could have been the alcohol, but Colin felt annoying with that comment.

-i would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington, not even in your wildest fantasies Fife.

Everyone laugh

-perhaps you should accompany me to my dear friend Mr Mondrich's bar -Colin continue.

The fireworks lit up the sky, and he smiled watching them. Yes it was definitely a big night for Colin Bridgerton


After Penelope Featherington heard from the beautiful lips of her dearest friend that she was special to him, she felt on cloud 9 and thought that finally the wait of so many years been in love with the third Bridgerton was going to paid off.

She hesitate in many occasions, not only for her believes, also were other people telling her that like her cousin Marina, the also ex-fiance of Colin, also her mother, her sisters.

Now she wants to find her friend Eloise to be honest and tell her the whole truth, about being lady Whistledown and her repressed feelings, since they were soon going to be sisters -in-law.

She searched everywhere, but with no luck, at the end she went to her bedroom to rest but she heard noises coming from her bedroom. Though for a second that it had been her cousin lord Featherington looking for something of value to escape, but she erased that idea when she saw her best friend making a mess in the place, also Eloise found the loose board and her most precious secret.

It was definitely worse that she thought. Her friend was a hurricane of rage, even said horrible things to her: "all you wanted is defend yourself, I feel like I don't know you, all I feel is pity" "you are a wall flower" "I never want to see you again".

Penelope spent minutes with her head spinning,but she knew very well her friend didn't mean what she said, so she ran to find her and explain why she had done everything.

No one had seen Eloise, but she wouldnt give up. But while she was looking for her best friend, she heard someone mentioned her name, it was lord Fife.

-Are you courting the girl?

For one second Penelope smiled because she would 👂 what she wanted to know so badly, but only lasted a second.

-i would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington, not even in your wildest fantasies Fife.-Colin said

Penelope was still on her feet because her brain not fully digested the words spoken by the third Bridgerton. First felt something similar to a shotgun on her chest follow by a cold from head to toe. Tears came out involuntary, all the process took a second and she started to run.

Went to her bedroom to find peace but she found the disaster Eloise left, and made her got an epiphany.

The Bridgerton Brothers weren't her friends. In the first opportunity to hold her back both of them deside to throw down the carriage.

She was always loyal, hold their backs everytime they need her, and she got anything in return.

Pen know what to do, look for a paper or a pen but Eloise destroyed all, even some letters her father wrote when he was alive. Quickly went to lord Featherington office to find material, since everyone was busy with the fireworks 🎆 she felt comfortable to do her Whistledown work in there.

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