sports festival and class 1-C (7)

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Everyone was working hard to prepare for the sports festivals.

Everyone was doing it in a very unique way, be it physically mental or perhaps even spiritual,

And then there was fischl!


Mona scolded fischl as she pulled her blanket away, exposing the tired princess to the morning air

"I thought you wanted to actively train where you being all talk again!"

Mona is aware of fischl living situation and comes to visit her often when she's alone since it's not unknown to her closer friends that she can 'let herself go' without her brother around.

"Five more minutes *yawn*"

The whining girl grabbed her pillow and shoved her face under it, rolling to her stomach, which left Mona grumbling harder.

"Don't you want to show everyone your best? If I were you, I'd stop slacking off and actually get to work. This is a one-time thing every year!"

It was hard, but Mona did end up getting her out (but at what cost?)


"Alright! Nice going fischl, I knew you had it in you!"

She was having a friendly duel with razor and bennet much to the lone wolfs dismay.

"Ohohoh, of course I 'have it in me' as you call it, I am the best"

Fischl chuchles' hand rose up to her lower half of the face and ohter hand on the hip in a snobbish manner

Bennet gave her a grin that rivals the sun while razor huffed

"You bark but barley bite."

He snarked

"Oh? I would like to see you do better. "

Training mostly consistet of fischl and razor semi fighting with word but not to obvious as to not upset the middle man bennet, overall Training went well with them over the next couple of days.

Mona came by from time to time, so fischl wasn't too lonely, and like that, the sports festival was right around the corner for everyone in UA.


While in the waiting room, fischl was getting mentally ready for the big crowd, and her appearance,
Not that she would admit that she preferred to keep her insecurity and nervousness locked behind a cocky smile.

"Midoriya," todoroki spoke up towards Midoriya. He looks serious. "I am stronger than you, so I will beat you."

'What a twist!' Fischl though
Shocked "Hey now there is no need for that," kirishima (aka best boi ™️) tried to intervene, so no fight would break out.

"I didn't come here to make friends, you know?" Todoroki looked sternly at kirishima
After a bit of silence, Midoriya spoke up
"No, you're right, you are stronger than me, todoroki,"

"Hey, there is no reason to bring yourself down, Midoriya." kirishima tried to say, but Midoriya interrupted him,"but that doesn't mean I won't try my best to beat you!"

He looked determined, and not too long after that whole drama, Iida came bursting into the room, telling us to get ready.


Present Mike announced our arrival as well as the other classes' arrival

When he announced class 1-C, I couldn't help but stare bennet and razors class, which seemed full of interesting people. There was a group of 3 a girl with dark bluish hair who's laughing, another girl also with blue hair but a bit lighter reading a book while the boy of the group was eating a popsicle,

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