"What..What are you both doing here??"She tried to compose herself but her strained voice betrayed her.

They both took a seat besides her and turned to Ana who was sitting rigidly between them.They took a hold of her hands each and looked at her meaningfully.

"It's okay to cry Ana.."Isa had said.She wasn't someone who was expert in comforting but right now her best friend and sister needed a comforting shoulder.

"Who..who-said I was crying and why would I cry??"Ana freaked out inside..She didn't liked others knowing she was weak because she was crying and what did they know about what had caused this.

"Ana we don't know what happened between you and my brother but if somethings bothering you then tell us..maybe we can help.."Lilah spoke this time in a soft and gentle tone.

Ana looked up surprised at Lilah and then Isa but quickly turned back to her neutral self.

"Nothing has happened...you have probably misunderstood."she uttered.

"Come on Ana..don't lie to us..we're your best friends..if we won't help you then who will..We know that Damon likes you as well you him but surely there's something that's coming in between you both straining your emotions."Isa placed a comforting hand on Ana's shoulder and frowned at the last part.

This was all that Ana needed and she once again burst into tears,crying her heart out.She was happy that someone here knew what was going on in her heart and wanted to let everything out.

"It's just-it's just that,"she started,"Damon likes me and I don't know what I feel but I feel like I have feelings for him too,"she sniffed and then continued,"But..but- the thing is that m...my fear of losing is stopping me from admitting it..we had—we had an argument before he went out in fury...he admitted his feelings but I rejected him harshly.I-..I hurt him and it's making me feel awful and confused and I don't know what to do or think..."tears were flowing continuously while she admitted all her emotions to both of them.

They hugged her from sides and Isa decided to speak...to guide her best friend and relief her of this misery..

"Ana..look..I know that it was devastating to have lose Uncle Ivano..I can't imagine how you had felt when he died after actually being there all your life..if I get to have faced this,I would have gone mad but Ana this is life..this doesn't mean you keep on hurting yourself and beating yourself for it that you can't love someone romantically because you have fear of losing..let's open you heart and go with the flow and let Damon decide the rest okay.."

Ana pondered on it for a while as she kept quite.Her cries had seized while she listened to Belle.

Maybe she is right...If I continue on bringing my past emotions in between I would never be able to move on..

She felt like she just needed a little guidance.She wiped the remaining tears away and smiled brightly as her face filled with joy and happiness.

"Maybe you are right.."she admitted,"I shouldn't let past decide my future..and I think since I'm clear about it now..I think I like Damon too..maybe too much that the feelings could be close to the point of being in love.."she smiled softly and Isa and Lilah couldn't help the grins adoring their faces.

They High-five each other behind Ana's back and sighed in relief that their advice worked.

But Ana pouted suddenly,saddened by another thought.

"But I think Damon doesn't like me anymore..I hurt him and I feel like he doesn't want to do anything with me anymore.."she mumbled sadly.

Lilah smirked knowing fully well her brother wasn't someone to back down easily.

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