My Mysterious Sender

Start from the beginning

Guil: hey, how about a penny for your thoughts?

Criselda: Yup. I guess when they know that your up to something, it'll surely be a hot potato.

Anna: Hey! *snapping in front of Liza* Earth toLiza?

Liza: Uh... What?

Jen: Told you, she's not listening.

Suddenly, Kashmir walks in with Hannah and him talking...

(Insert REALIZE song here by Colbie Caliat)

Kashmir: You could've done better

Hannah: Yeah right. As if singing is just a piece of cake.

Kashmir: But it would be if only you'll practice

Hannah: But I just recovered from my fever due to my cold. You know, I still feel a bit under the weather.

Kashmir: Oh yeah... I remembered. It was raining cats and dogs the other day and you were not around yesterday.

Hannah: But i actually hit the nail cause I followed everything that you instructed me to do.

Then they are already gone...

Guil: Hey... someone's fuming mad here...

Cresilda: Why is he with her? I bet she's a flirt

Liza: Don't be so rude. Remember you shouldn't judge the book by its cover.

Anna: If i were you, I would admit my feelings. You know, I don't want to miss the boat.

Liza: Guys, i'll tell you, you shouldn't make my problem mind you. And don't make decisions easily. You know you should cross the bridge when you get there.

Guil: Whatever. But i'm still curious on what their status is.

Cresilda: Yah! Curiousity killed the cat so don't be too inquisitive.

Anna: Curiousity might have killed the cat but satisfaction gave justice.

Liza: *leaves them* tsss. Too noisy.

(4th scene)

Kashmir and Liza started parting ways since Kashmir was too busy with something that he's doing. As well as Liza. She was too busy being the School Body President. But Liza was always wondering why Kashmir is always with Hannah. Until one day, she and her friends went to the mall to buy some things...

Guil: *stops walking*

Liza: Hey, Why did you stop walking?

Guil: Is that—- *looks at Criselda and Anna*

Guil, criselda, Jen, anna: Kashmir?

Liza: Guys, stop looking at them.

Guil: I guess they're dating.

Criselda: Aren't you going to do something about it?

Liza: Were just... friends?

Anna: Hey, Why dont you confront him and ask the real deal?

Guil: We dont want them to end up together and see you crying over spilt milk and regret it.

Jen: So just go there and get him!

Anna: *pushes Liza* break a leg girl!!!

*at the botique

Kashmir and Hannah are checking some clothes and if you're a stranger and you haven't known them yet, you would mistaken them as a couple. And that made Liza feel more eager to confront Kashmir.

Liza: Uhm... Hi? *fake smile*

Hannah: You're liza, aren't you?

Liza: Yea—-

Kashmir: What are you doing here?

Liza: I just want to uhm... talk to you?

Kashmir: I'm busy with my own business

Liza: What are you trying to tell me? That i'm not part of your business anymore?

Kashmir: That's not what I—-

Liza: NO IT ISNT! FINE! MIND YOUR OWN *points at hannah* BUSINESS.

Kashmir: Don't you dare point a finger at Hannah...

Liza: Oh just shut up! *roll eyes* I'm out of here...

(5th scene)

Days had passed and Liza felt upset on how their friendship had gone... and the only thing that makes her feel cheered up or the thing that makes her feel good is the mystery sender...

Until one day...

Liza decided to go to school early in the morning so that she can at least feel some silence. But when she was walking down the hallway, she saw someone putting a letter, a ¼ sheet of paper on her locker. She then ran and grab the sender's wrist. And there he is—- her long time awaited mystery sender... no other than her bestfriend...


Liza: Y-y-youre the s-sender?

Kashmir: Uhm... let me explain...

Liza: All this time, the person that I've been looking for is right beside me? Why didn't you tell me?

Kashmir: Listen to me first. Please.

Liza: I-i-i'm listening.

Kashmir: I know that this is really unexpected and I don't know if you'll get mad at me or what but the only thing that I know is I love you and everything will never be the same without you so please... don't get mad at me...

Liza: *hugs Kashmir* *insert You and I (by chance) By J.R.A here* I'm not mad at you. But thank you... for loving me. But I'm still upset about Hannah...

Kashmir: dont be. She's just my bandmate. No need to be jealous.

Liza: I'm not...

Kashmir: Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Liza. Tss.

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