6 - A Promise of Lantern Boy to His Nong Lion

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As P' Jean and P' Ton settled into their seats, Gemini hesitated for a moment before speaking, "About that, may I be excused for a while? I promise to return in half an hour."

P' Ton couldn't resist a teasing remark, his eyes twinkling mischievously, "Ah, Khun Gemini, our superstar is starting to act like a superstar, even making us wait."

Gemini chuckled, his humility shining through, "P' Ton, it's not about being a superstar. I have someone I need to meet."

With that, Gemini swiftly made his way to a side room, leaving the seasoned professionals to discuss casting decisions. "I'll rejoin you all later. I remember our meeting."

P' Ton sighed good-naturedly as he watched the famous star disappear from the room. "Young people nowadays," he mused, "They have so much energy."

Khun Long joined in the jesting, his tone nostalgic. "Indeed, we all experienced that when we were young." With that, they delved into their deliberations, excited about the bright prospects for their upcoming series.

As Gemini exited the casting room, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had a promise to keep, and he couldn't let anything or anyone stand in his way. He made his way to a nearby dressing room where he put on the disguise he had prepared earlier. He even looked at himself in the mirror, ensuring that he appeared the same.

With his disguise in place, he slipped out of the dressing room and made his way through the bustling corridors of the audition venue. He had arranged to meet his 'Lantern Boy' in the room they had stayed before the audition. He had asked P' Pang to tell Fourth that he would meet him there.

When Gemini arrived at the room, his breath slightly labored from his hurried journey. He gently pushed the door open, revealing Fourth, who was seated on a chair, a blend of anticipation and excitement dancing in his eyes. The moment Fourth saw Gemini, or as he knew him in disguise, 'Nong Lion,' his face lit up with sheer surprise and delight. Without hesitation, he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Gemini in a tight, joy-filled hug.

"Nong Lion, you won't believe what just happened!" Fourth exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

'Nong Lion' returned the embrace, his heart swelling with affection for his 'Lantern Boy.' He smiled warmly and said, "I'm eager to hear all about it. How did the casting audition go?"

Fourth, still brimming with excitement, launched into a vivid account of his experience. He animatedly described how he had delivered his lines, the electric connection he felt with the character, and the unexpected encouragement he had received from the casting judges, including a memorable interaction with his idol, P' Gem. His enthusiasm was contagious, and it filled the room with positive energy.

'Nong Lion' listened with unwavering attention, his gaze fixed firmly on Fourth. He was utterly captivated by Fourth's charm and talent, and his admiration for him shone brightly in his eyes.

"You were absolutely talented, Fourth," 'Nong Lion' said sincerely. "I always knew my Lantern Boy had immense potential."

Fourth blushed with gratitude but was quick to catch onto what 'Nong Lion' had just called him. "Lantern Boy? Is that the nickname for me?"

"Definitely!" Gemini nodded, his eyes filled with memories of the first time they had met, the warmth he had felt when he first laid eyes on his 'Latern Boy' flooding back. "It's such a cute nickname, don't you think? You're the boy I met during the Lantern Festival. Do you not like it?"

"Of course, I love it," Fourth replied, his cheeks tinted with a charming blush. He found 'Nong Lion's' choice of nickname endearing and adorable. Unable to resist, 'Nong Lion' affectionately ruffled Fourth's hair.

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