02. All the broken hearts in the world (still beats)

130 21 11

February, 2031

"P'Singto!" Kat exclaims, her excitement evident as she performs a little fangirl jump, waving enthusiastically at her expected guest. Singto, having just set down his champagne flute on the cocktail table, responds with a warm smile as she approaches him. She's now donned in her evening gown, and though she exudes an almost girlish charm, traces of a teenager harbouring a crush on her brother's best friend still linger.

The only difference is that she's a married woman now.

Yet, in Singto's eyes, she remains the same little girl who used to tag along with Krist and him, attempting to engage them in play whenever he visited the Sangpotirat household. Being an only child, Singto had naturally embraced Kat as his younger sister. Those memories now belong to the past.

"I'm so glad you managed to catch your flight! You told me you might not be able to make it," she says, enveloping Singto in a warm, heartfelt hug. He chuckles softly, his laughter mingling with the delightful scent of her neatly braided hair adorned with delicate white flowers, as he returns the embrace.

When she eventually lets go, she offers him an appreciative once-over and bubbles with enthusiasm, "I'm sorry for not being able to greet you sooner! There's too many things happening at once but you look so handsome today, P'Singto."

Indeed, Singto is undeniably striking in his black suit and maroon tie. After seven years without seeing him in person, his once-chubby cheeks have given way to more sculpted features and his physique has gotten more muscular. His jawline now boasts a chiselled edge and a quiet aura of mature authority surrounds him whenever he falls into contemplative silence.

"Well, wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.... and you're the most beautiful bride ever," Singto compliments with genuine warmth before adding, "Congratulations Kat. I'm really happy for you."

Kat grins at the man in front of her. Despite his outwardly composed demeanour, her P'Singto remains a deeply gentle and soft-spoken soul on the inside.

"Thank you for being here for us!" Kat beams at him, only to realize that her husband is no longer by her side. As she surveys the area, a small sigh escapes her when she spots Tor engrossed in bidding farewell to their wedding guests, alongside her parents and eldest brother, near the entrance. Her in-laws are doing the same on the opposite side. It dawns on her that she should probably join her family in seeing off the guests. But where on earth is Krist?

"Oh..." she exhales softly as her search for her second brother proves futile. "Have you had a chance to speak with P'Kit yet?"

Singto inhales sharply at the mention of Krist's name. "No, not yet."

"I'm sure he'd be very happy to see you again!" Kat exclaims, her innocence and cheerful nature shielding her from any knowledge of what had happened. In her world, this is a heartwarming reunion between two best friends who have been separated for far too long. "Ahhh, where is he?"

"I'm sure he's occupied, Kat."

Singto's sure he's not sure, at all.

In truth, he's not even sure if he's ready to face Krist again.

The bride ponders for a moment, her eyes suddenly alight like the twinkling string lights above them. "Ah, never mind. Maybe my dad asked him to run some errands again. You must be exhausted from your long flight. How about waiting for him in the waiting room? It's right behind the stage."

"Uhh..." Singto hesitates, contemplating whether staying back after the party is a wise choice. With nearly three-quarters of the guests now departed, he doubts whether Krist would welcome him after their prolonged separation. "I don't think I should stay. I haven't even checked into my hotel yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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