"I wish momma was here. She loved watching sports."

I stare at her and kiss her head, "She did, huh baby? She's here though, watching with us."

"She'll always be with us?"

I nod, "Always."

The second half gets underway and I turn to the TV.

'Right, babe? Always with us.'

Alex POV

"Fucking shit." I say when I get in the locker room.

We won, but the mood is down because of how poorly we played.

"Hey, it's all good. We won, look ahead to the next game. We got this." Pinoe says.

I sigh, "Yeah, just I haven't missed a penalty in a minute. Like fuck."

She nods, "I know. Shake it off."

I chuckle, "Referencing my favorite artist for me?"

She nods, "Yep!"

I smile and head to the shower, trying to be quick.

I grab my stuff and head to the bus.

As soon as I sit down, I dig through my bag and find my phone.

I see several messages, but click into Mack's.

Mack🥰: good game, babe. We're always proud of you.

I smile at the photo and feel my worries wash away.

Me: thanks, babe. I'll call you when we get to the hotel.

I click into my sister's text.

Jen: cousin crew is rooting for you!

I chuckle at the photo of Charlie and her cousins.

Me: I miss you guys. I'll call for Goodnight. Love you.

I read my other messages and respond.

I sigh and put my phone away.

We arrive at the hotel and I quickly make my way upstairs.

I pull my phone out and FaceTime my sister.

Charlie quickly pops up on the screen, "Momma!!"

I smile, "Hi, baby! You having fun?"

She nods, "Yeah! We watched you on TV. You did really good, momma!"

I sigh and chuckle, "Thanks, baby."

She babbles on about her day then yawns.

"Time for night night, baby. I love you and I'm going to see you soon."

She smiles, "Love you, momma. Sleep tight!"

I smile, "Night, baby."

I hang up and let out a breath.

I pull up Mack's contact and she quickly answers with Riley.

"Alex! You won!"

I chuckle, "Mhm! All because my good luck charms were watching."

"That's me, mommy, and Charlie!"

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