Chapter 0: Prolouge

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I was chilling in my bedroom. Then the lights flickerd. Next thing I knew, I wasn't home. I was in some weird location. I don't know where I am.

"Where am I?.." I asked myself out loud. I looked around and saw a pole. At least 50 feet in the air was a flag with red and blue stripes.  50 stars on the side too. I was confused.

Figures POV
I was chilling in my room, next thing I knew I wasn't home. I put my disk on and I looked human and could see. It looked like I was in a bus. Unsure, i ask someone around me. 'Do you know where i am?' I asked.

This strange person, like a banana or something- said to me 'You're in Reality 0.'

wtf? What is that?! I look over the seat and see Ambushes human form. Did everyone get transported here?


Youve heard it twice now, you know. I was brushing my hair and i got transported into a weird ass bus. Ive seen this before, The Battle Bus- I look infront of me and behind me and i see Figure. Were in the air, flying. Everyone starts jumping off, but me and Figure wait a little while.

Guiding Light POV

I was putting on my makeup and then i got flashed into a weird blocky place.

It kinda looked weird. Nothing was different shapes, it was all cubes. I apparently hd to break a tree with my fist- idk. I explored and found this weird outpost thing- I went inside of it, and this weird thing struck me! Ow! I tried to run away, but it caught up to me and started hitting me with an axe. I was on 5 hearts.


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