Find you | Chapter one

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A/N: So hopefully this fanfic will be good and I hope you'll like it. :)
Music tips for this chapter: Search for Mrsuicidesheep (ignore the name) and pick a song you like and might work for this. Just don't pick anything like rock, pop, and such things. Pick something calm & relaxing. (I think sheep has only calm & relaxing ones but I'm not sure), The song holes in the sky from the insurgent soundtrack is also a pretty good song for this.

I just met this boy, Newt. We're both kinda lost and I think we both need someone to watch our back, so I think that I'm speaking for both of us when I say that our little pact is a good idea.

I've been alone for a long time and I realized now that an ally wouldn't hurt so much, it's company as well. Both me and Newt knows about the rumor that says that there'll be a cure at the east coast, so we're heading there. We decided that pretty quickly after we built our pact. So now we're sitting here, two 17 year olds, in a destroyed world, trying to find some kind of trust again.

I've never been the trusting one, I do not trust people just like that. I'm always suspicious about things that I shouldn't be so worried about. I can't help it. Especially not under these circumstances, you can't trust anyone anymore. But Newt on the other hand, he's so calm and acts almost like people did before all of this. I think we could have been friends if it weren't for all of this. Now we're more like, allies.

The decease killed my family, the only people I actually loved, since then I had no one.
All of us is actually infected, no one knows why only teenagers survived and now, everyone wants that cure. When I think about this whole situation, I think it all is just like a cliché, those things happends in books & movies right? But no, this is reality.

I wake up from my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. I now realize that I was deep into my thoughts, I try to adjust my eyes to the darkness again.

"Hey Wendy, you okay?" Newt ask me, I didn't even notice that he had woken up.
I can't really see him, but I can feel that he's close.

I shrug but I doubt that he can see it.

"What do you mean?"
I'm confused, did he just read my mind?
He takes a while to answer.

"You looked so lost in your thoughts." Has he been looking at me for a long time? When I thought he slept?

"Oh" I pause.
"Again." I sigh and look up at the sky to notice that the moon is full tonight and it's almost as bright as a lamp used to be.

"You're not alone bout' that you know." I've never seen him as the weak one, not for this short little time atleast. But still i understand him. I don't have time to say anything as the tiredness takes over and I fall asleep.

It's sunrise when I wake up, but I don't know what time it is. I stand up and look for Newt, but I can't see him.

Our little shelter this night was just under a big oak-tree in this dense forest by a lake, kinda romantic place to be honest. Even thou mostly of the trees are dead and the lake is far away from clean.

But I've never been the romantic girl, the boys at school where never into me. I wonder if they're still alive, all of those annoying and sometimes funny guys. God, in a strange way I miss them.
I try not to think about everything before too often, but my mind easily wanders away.

Far away in my field of view, I can see Newt coming with some fruits. I can't help but give him a smile. Our eye contact is a little too long so I decide to break it. I don't want things to get too awkward around us, now that we're supposed to help each other survive.

He's reaching closer and when he's close enough I stretch out a hand to take a fruit, I'm starving.
"Hey where did you get that?" I ask with my mouth full of apple.
He takes a new bite of his own apple and then looks at me.

"oh, it wasn't easy but I found some trees that actually were alive back there." I look around, he had to be really desperate after food if he walked that far away, because all I can see is dead trees.

I nod, "should we get going? The sun just got up so we shouldn't waste time." Newt agrees, we need to get to the East coast as soon as possible. As much as I know, It'll take days to get there, if we had a car we could get there on just a few hours, but now, we don't one.

We pack all of our things and I secure my katana a little extra. We give each other a quick nod and then we start running. When we get out of the dense forest I can see a city in the distance. Skyscrapers are on the edge of falling and mother nature is taking over everywhere. It looks so surreal.

We run for a long time before we hit the outskirts of the city. We didn't speak much during our run, so I'm just slowing down to catch breath when he speaks.

"Do you think they're still in there?" I look up at him when he ask that.
"The Bodies? yes, It's not like someone wants to move them."
When the decease hit, people just died everywhere, so the bodies are left. And even the outskirts smells dead.
I can see that he's thinking.

"huh, yeah that's true, but we need to be careful in there, there can be groups hiding in the buildings, they'll kill us in seconds."
I forgot, there's still people who lives in some cities, there's alot of supplies if you're brave enough to search for them. But most of the food should be rotten anyway by now.

We start jogging deeper into the city and I can't help that i'm praying that we're alone.
Newt suddenly stops.
I'm a bit ahead of him once I stop so I go back to him.
"Hey you need to rest?" I ask him.
"No, no i'm fine, but look there." He points at a tall skyscraper. First, I can't see what he means, but then I see something.

Newt is right, there's a boy sitting against the wall. He looks like a year or so younger than us.
Newt is there faster than me, but he waits for me before he says anything.
The boy isn't even moving, but he's alive.
Newt looks back at me with a confused look on his face.
The boy just sits there with an empty look in his eyes, what happened to him?
Newt tries to communicate with him, but he just sits there, breathing in and out, staring out in nothing.

Newt meet my eyes again, and in this short seconds as we do, the boy stands up and hits Newt in his back so he falls over. Before I can react, I'm being attacked from behind and dragged away from Newt.
I can't see who's dragging me and I'm way to dizzy to act.
Newt tries to stand up but is being attacked again. This time in his face.

The boy leaves Newt like that and then comes after us.
Newt lifts his head up and meet my eyes for the last time before he's out of sight.

It's almost like I can see what he's thinking. "I'm sorry."

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