💫🌏Earth's First Moon🌑💫

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Half planet half human:D
I mean all of these r so like lmaoo

A little time during the 'dinasours'

Earth wasn't dense. Instead, they were more nonchalant. Often getting hit with asteroids. If it wasn't for Jupiter, they would've probably been dead by now.

Enough Of That.

It was Mars' third anniversary of gaining his moons; Phobos and Deimos. Earth wasn't going to lie, they were a bit jealous. But, they'd never show it.

Just outside the little modern house where the solar system lived, was Earth; Sitting on the porch. They'd sigh, looking off into the distance; About half a mile away, there was something in the bushes. Earth tilted their head in confusion. who would be in the bushes at this light hour? It surely wasn't a planet from another solar system..Or maybe it was Pluto.

Earth stood up, floating over to where they saw the little critter poking its head out. "H- Hello..?" They'd mutter, immediately getting embarrassed. The person would gasp, wiping their face before looking over at Earth. A Moon? Was it one of Jupiter's? Earth would wonder, looking at the rock in awe.

They wore a plain oversized White Tee, and some shorts, definitely not Jupiter's moon. Earth took a deep breath, causing a gush of wind to pass over the killer beasts on their land. "Are you lost? I can help you find your Solar System." Their voice was soft, completely different from the other planets.

This soothed the Moon's troubles as they continued to sniffle. Even after Earth's kind words, they still weren't convinced about them. "I'm Earth..What about you?" Earth would hover over Moon till they reached the milky grass. Moon debated on wether or not to answer but took the risk opening their mouth to say a word or two.

"I- I'm Luna." Luna replied looking down. Eye contact made her nervous. "Luna..What a pretty name.." Earth admired, making Luna blush in embarrassment. "Where's your system? If you don't mind me asking, of course." They continued, staring into the galaxy ahead. Watching different planets converse with each other while retreating to their own homes.

Luna kept quiet, a frown appearing on their face. "I don't have one.. I was made on accident." She choked out a sob, burying her head in their hands. Earth grimaced at the scene, they weren't too great in comforting others. This was quite difficult. What would Saturn do.. They'd think, continuing to star gaze. "Sorry to hear..Would you mind joining my Solar System?" Earth smiled awkwardly at Luna, who adverted her gaze to theirs.

Ah crap, what'd I just do!

Earth sighed, looking away from the Moon. "Sorry for asking." They muttered, putting their head in it's hands. Luna smiled softly, floating closer to Earth. "Eh- Luna, you're gonna get stuck in my orbit!" Earth exclaimed, scared on making Moon uncomfortable. "I'd like that..I think..I think I'd like being your moon." Luna sat on Earths shoulder.

Is this happening? Oh My Gosh!

"Cool..Cool." Earth cleared their throat. "Do you wanna meet the others?" Stupid Earth, of course she's gonna have to meet the others. "Yeah."

Good Job for a first, Earth.

AHH FIRST CHAPEATER x3 ANWYAYS I got skl tomorrow so maybe I won't post 4 a bit who knows

556 Words

Solar Humans<3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora