Prince Tiger was enjoying watching the streets, passing cars and people in Moscow.

Half an hour passed and they arrived at a large building that looked like a palace. Alexei pointed towards it, "It is the Tretyakov Museum."

They entered the museum and started walking around happily, then the museum guide approached them, welcomed them, looked at them with admiration, and explained to them about the museum.

Prince Tiger was looking at wonderful sculptures and religious art, which were more than a thousand pieces. He saw a Byzantine icon of the Virgin and Child and other icons.

Guide: Please be patient, Gentleman... There are more than 180,000 paintings in our museum.

Alexi: Oh my God, this is a very large number, we will not be able to watch them all.

"It is the largest collection of Russian art and it is a great opportunity for art lovers," the guide laughed.

Three hours passed while they were looking at the paintings.

Alexei: Please, Mr. Krill, let us rest in the cafeteria and have some coffee and Russian pies.

Prince Tiger: Thank you, Alexei. It was an excellent opportunity to watch Russian history.

Britain, London, Home Office.

George was sitting behind a bookcase, reading reports on the computer screen. He felt anxious and began to think, confused and distracted, as he thought about Prince Tiger and the recruits.

The secretary entered: Mr. George... There is Mr. Jack who wants to meet with you for an important matter.

George became frightened and looked at the clock, "Let him come in."

Immediately, Jack entered and waved his hand, "Hello, Mr. George."

George smiled, "Hello, please stay seated."

Jack: I came to tell you about an important matter. Of course, you know Stephen and his team... I would like to ask for your help... In interfering with the border guards by allowing a Russian ship to enter Britain without inspection.

George was astonished: Without inspection, why... Let the employees finish their work and inspect It, and then you enter.

Jack got up from the chair, "The ship has a nuclear missile. Stephen and I want to get it into London."

George laughed, "You must be kidding."

Jack: No, I'm not kidding... This missile is to increase our strength as the Prince Tiger group, which demands the return of the British Empire... Thus, our position will be stronger and better.

George felt upset and angry, so he corrected himself, "Okay, Mr. Jack... I will try to manage things."

Go to your office now... You are a human being who deserves a promotion."

Jack was happy, and relaxed, calmed down, smiled, and left the office. George immediately picked up the phone, "Hello, security forces, please go immediately to Stephen's office and arrest Jack."

George got up from behind the desk, took out a gun from the desk, and put it in his jacket.

In the meantime, three security men went to Jack's office and were arrested.

George's phone rang, "Hello, yes."

Secretary: The investigations officer says, "What happened? Can you come to them?"

George: Tell him that I will come to them now.

George put on his jacket and left the library, walking quickly through the corridors. Suddenly his cell phone rang, "Hello, yes, I am George."... "Hello, I am the head of the border guards... There is a Russian ship. Before inspecting it, they asked us to contact you."

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