XV. Mom's heart (can't take it)

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A/N: Peep the AHS quote hidden in the story. This part is 3,000 words.

It was Friday night, the day before Bettans first football game of the season. Work coupled with the fact their son was about to step into the role of running back had the mothers exponentially stressed. Especially since the kids have been born the mothers have tried to do something they call the 100 rule. The 100 rule is the idea that a marriage is never 50/50; people are going to have good days and bad days. So what they do is every day when they get home they take five minutes to themselves to quantify where they are in terms of where they are with energy, investment, kindness, and patience. Sometimes they are at 50/50 other times one may be at a 20 and the other pulls the 80. If they are not at a combined 100 they know they have to take the time to stop and make a plan of kindness towards one another and their children so no one gets hurt. Thats why when the last of the two of them walks through the door and the kids are settled you'll see them in the kitchen facing one another trying to understand how to be the best teammates they can be. On this night in particular Jo had walked in with deflated shoulders and she took her bag upstairs before she walked back into the kitchen bracing against the island with her head tilted down in her hands. Lizzie walked up to her gently "Where are you at?" Lizzie asked leaning against the island,

Jo rubbed her face letting out a sigh, "I'm at a 20." she looked up, "What about you?"

Lizzie nodded, "Like a 60." she reached her hand out taking Jo's, "What are we going to do tonight to keep ourselves from unintentionally hurting each other or our kids?"

"I dont know Liz," Jo sighed sadly, "Do we have dinner planned for tonight?"

Lizzie shook her head, "Not yet,"

"I feel I just need a minute so are you okay to help the kids with homework while I go to Tonys and get pizza?"

"I can do that," Lizzie nodded, "After dinner can we take a walk?"

Jo nodded, "Of course,"

After dinner, Jo tucked Lily Kay into bed. That little girl brought Jo back to center time and time again. That baby has continued to heal Jo since her birth in London. All their children bring the mothers back to center. Working in their industry can make your head spin, but those four faces stop their world. Jo was walking down the stairs and came face to face with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She stood in the living room swaying lightly as her eyes scanned the book in her hand. Jo walked up wrapping her arms around Lizzie's waist, pulling her close she nibbled on her wife's ear, "44 is the sexiest year yet."

"Hmm," Lizzie hummed looking over her shoulder, "Is that so?"

"Yes ma'am," Jo nodded, "You ready for that walk?"

"What if we rode?"

"You?" Jo stammered, "Wait." she paused, "Ride what?"

"A horse." Lizzie said obviously, "What else-" she gasped, "JOSEPHINE!"

Jo blushed a deep pink, "I'll go grab Cowboy and Bailey."

Baily was a paint that was all white except for her head which was brown. Cowboy was sorrel with a white stripe. Bailey and Cowboy were two of the fifteen horses that roamed the Hamilton estate. Some of the horses had long since been retired from riding one of those horses is Cowboys Dad Jarvis.

 Some of the horses had long since been retired from riding one of those horses is Cowboys Dad Jarvis

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