Blood flew on all sides of the wall, bones clattering to the ground. Everything was covered, everything except for her.

Luna kept her gaze calm even as she felt the familiar bile raising in her stomach, and the blood poured from her nose and ears. She was going to throw up. She would not throw up.

She would not show weakness.

That had been two weeks after she'd made the deal to keep Marissa out of the experiments. And one week before she had escaped and the deal had ended.

She whirled her head as she heard her and Eleven's name being called. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas biked up to them. Mike glanced at El concerned while Luna went over to Dustin and hopped on his bike.

She'd much prefer her own but she didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. It wasn't like she owned a bike.

El got on to Mike's bike and they headed off towards certain doom.


Luna walked beside Dustin answering his endless questions. "Can you just control water? Or is it like all liquids?"

He was certainly smart. It was a question few people thought of but made her all the more dangerous. "All liquids. Most have at least a little bit of water in them anyways."

"Can you create water anywhere?"

"I don't create it. It's in the air and since water is almost in the air 99% of the time I can." Of course, sometimes a room held no moisture like the one the lab had created and rooms like that were extremely dangerous for her.

"How did you get your powers?"

Luna shrugged. "Born with them, I suppose." Honestly Luna didn't know. She knew the lab had given them injections to increase their powers and make them more deadly but that hadn't been the cause of their powers.

She was pretty sure her and her friends had been picked out and brought to the lab specifically for the powers they already had but she couldn't be certain. After all, she had no memory of the Before.

"Where did you and Eleven get your tattoos from?"

Luna froze. That was the first question he had asked that was not about her powers. And it was the first that involved the lab.

"I don't want to talk about it." She knew her tone was ruder than it had to be but she barely knew Dustin and she was not going to tell him personal information.

She had been willing to tolerate his questions finding them slightly cute but that was something she wouldn't talk about.

Dustin seemed to get the point because he didn't ask her another question.


Cora walked into her room. Both her parents were gone for the night, so she got the house to herself.

She preferred it that way. She'd rather not interact with either of her parents.

She didn't know the last time she'd had a civil conversation with either one of them.

The Power of Water (Stranger Things Season 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя