What do you mean I'm crying?

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"Hey Lance!?"

"Lance, hello!?!?"

"huh, what?" I asked as I looked up to the group around me

"Are you okay?"

"You good man?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'm Lance, the Joker!" I said as I put on a smile

"Lance, you're crying my boy," 

"What do you mean I'm crying?" I asked as I brought my hands to my face. It's damp in streaks down my face.

" O-oh, I'm just tired!" I said as I wiped away the marks.

"You sure?"

"Come on, he said he's fine, let's continue the meeting,"

"Yeah! Don't worry about me!" I said as I smiles so more,

"Whatever you say Lance"

"If you say so."

"You can talk to us,"

I'm an idiot


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