Jiang Yue, Nie Syaoran and Jiang Xingyin

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Jiang Yue and Nie Syaoran are not a couple, they are sworn siblings!

Jiang Yue and Nie Syaoran are both fifteen years older than Jiang Yanli.

Nie Syaoran is referred to as A-Ran or didi by Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue is referred to as A-yue or shijie by Nie Syaoran.

Nie Syaoran is known for his creativity and intelligence while Jiang Yue is known for her dancing, her strategy planning and her xiao playing.

Didi: something along the meaning of little brother

Xiao: basically a Chinese recorder instrument (the flute-looking instrument that you hold straight in front of you and not to the side of your face)

Jiang Xingyin is the daughter of Jiang Yue and an unknown man.

She was taken care of by Nie Syaoran until he died in the war and was then taken in, adopted and raised by Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Yue died in the burning of Lotus Pier and the massacre of the Yunmeng Jiang sect.

Nie Syaoran died in the war when he was taking a moment to breathe, he was caught off guard by a fierce corpse and was killed.

Jiang Yue has two spiritual weapons. A whip that has a melted down obsidian with amethysts set in the base and the main whip itself was made of indestructible royal blue ice that moved as if it had a mind of its own and could transform into a ring.

Her whips name is Yánhán which means 'striking cold'

Her other spiritual weapon is a sword that is strong and fast. I am not going to describe it but it's name is Zìyóu which means 'freedom'

Jiang Xingyin inherited Yánhán and while she does possess Zìyóu, much like what Suibian did, Zìyóu had sealed itself after the death of its mistress and only she can unsheathe it.

Jiang Xingyin does have a sword that is very similar to her mother's own due to the two swords having been made and forged by the same blacksmith.

Her swords name is Bēishāng and it means 'grief'. She named it this because it looked so much like her mother's Zìyóu.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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