Bucky, Natasha X Child Reader

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You giggled as You and Bucky walked to preschool. You're tiny hand wrapped around Bucky's large two fingers. 

You were Natasha's and Bucky's child. Sure you weren't born like most children. HYDRA created you. You were made up of 90% of Bucky's DNA and 10% of Natasha's. And just looking at you're features you would think you were just Bucky's. 

You had his piercing blue eyes. his dark hair. But you also had Natasha's self awareness and cat like skills she had. When they found you in that lab and who's DNA you were made from. Natasha and Bucky decided to play mom and Dad to you. Sure they weren't a thing and Never will be. But they will be a thing around you just so you know you have a family. 

As you were walking to the school Bucky noticed you were awfully quiet.

"What's the matter sugar plum?" He asked 

You looked up at him you're pigtails bouncing as you walked. 

"Daddy, Where do babies come from?' You asked looking up at him

He stopped dead in his tracks. 

"Umm uh ask you're mom." He says feeling himself turn red as a tomato.

"Why don't you know?" You asked as you tilted you're head looking up at him 

"No, Just you're mother would have a better answer than me, Why are you asking anyway." He asks 

"This boy at school." You says 

"Boy!? What boy, You know you are way to young to be dating right?" He says as he starts over reacting 

"He's going to be a big brother soon. So I was just curious where babies come from." You say looking at a now flustered Bucky 

"Daddy why are you making a funny face?" You ask. 

"Umm no reason have a good day at school okay." Bucky kneels down to give you a kiss on the forehead

You smile at him. 

"Okay daddy." You say hugging him then scampering off 

Later that day after Y/N returned from Preschool with Natasha. Everyone was in the main living area. Thor was munching on pop tarts, Tony was pouring himself a drink. Bucky and Sam were arguing over the tv remote. Steve was gulping down some water.

You knew you're mom and dad weren't going to tell you. So you decided to ask the one person who was smart. You walked up to Tony who was taking a sip of his drink. He noticed you staring up at him as you held on to you're backpack straps. 

"Need something shorty?" He asked 

"Uncle Tony where do babies come from?' You asked 

This caused Thor to choke on his pop tart and Steve to choke on his drink. 

"Well I'm glad you asked shorty babies come from-!" Tony began but was tackled to the ground by you're mom  and Steve

"Hey what the hell was that for!?" Tony yells 

"She's too little to know what that is!" You're mom yelled

Bucky picked you up and decided you weren't going to let this go until someone tells you. 

"If you must know, Babies come from a stork." Bucky says 

"A stork?" You asked as you tilted you're head 

"Yes a stork carries the babies to their door steps. And that's where babies come from." He says 

"Are you sure?" You ask tilting you're head 

"Positive right Tony." Bucky says 

"Uh yeah, Sure is kid." Tony says 

"Okay thank you." you say with a big smile jumping out of his arms and grabbing Thor by the hand. 

"Come on Thor let's go have a tea party." You says with a big smile as you drag Thor off 

"Kid sure doesn't let anything go does she?" Natasha says 

"Yeah sure show's she's two lethal assassin's kid." Tony says everyone nods in agreement.

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