Chapter one

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Michaels Pov: It was late at night as me and Noah were sitting on the couch cuddling watching a show. We had just finished tucking in our youngest child, Emma, in bed. After half an hour of watching the show Noah finally spoke. " You know, I've been wondering for a while, how come I've never met your mother?" I froze at his sentence, and memories came flooding back to me. I stayed silent for a while then answered him "She abandoned me after C.C died." "Oh, I'm so sorry". I stayed quiet the rest of the time till we went to bed. I didn't like thinking about her. Her light ginger hair and her dark empty eyes. It all scared me. But now, I know that I'm safe and there's no need to worry anymore.

Noah's Pov: I watched as Michael drifted off to sleep. I didn't understand why he never talked about her. He always talked about his past life with his siblings and Father but never her. I felt hands wrap around my chest and a small face up against my back. I smiled to myself and rolled over bringing him closer to my chest. I moved his light brown hair out of his eyes and drifted off to sleep myself. I woke up the next morning around 7:00. I heard voices in the kitchen. I got up and out of bed and walked over there. I saw Michael cooking on the stove and saw Emma sitting at the table telling him about something random. I walked over and placed my hands on Michael's chest and snuggled into his neck. "Morning Love" He whispered as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Daddy!" Emma yelled when I let go of Michael as she came running to me and jumping on me nearly knocking me over. " Daddy, can you tie up my hair please?" " of course, Sweetheart" I watched as Emma ran over to the bathroom to go grab the hairbrush and accessories. "Hey Darling," Michael said. "Yeah?" " Later can you help me fix Starlight? Emma was a little too rough with her." " Oh, yeah, sure." Starlight was the animatronic me and Michael made for Emma when she was younger. She had light teal and lavender hair, and pink eyes. When Emma died in the accident her soul somehow got transferred over to her and she started to possess her. Eventually Emma came back with a hairbrush and two of her pink clips. I sat down at the couch and began to brush her hair when Michael called from the kitchen " Emma, your eggs are ready!" I stopped brushing her hair. "Thanks Papa!" She got up from the couch and went to go eat. Michael then sat down next to me. He hugged me and snuggled his head into my chest. " I love you" I whispered to him.  "I love you too."

Sence this is my first chapter I didn't know where to go with it so I'm so sorry that it was so short, but I have a few ideas for the next few chapters and I'm hoping to make them a little longer. Also, if you guys have any ideas of what chapters I should write, please let me know. 

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