Chapter 18: Rafe

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I clench my fists as I see the way Madame Lulu speaks to Giselle. Everyone in this rink knows that she's the best here, even better than Sage. 

When she dismisses her class, Giselle skates away, wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve. I walk up to her but I'm stopped by Sage grabbing my hand.

"You didn't invite me to your party.'' She smiles up at me.

"I didn't know it was happening.'' I lie, looking past her at Giselle who's sitting on a bench her head in her hands.  Sage looks where I'm looking and glares at me.

"Clearly you don't know when something's good for you.'' She mutters, barging past me.

I walk over to Giselle and sit next to her. I wring my fingers together, what I'm trying to avoid is another argument like last night.

"If you're here to gloat please leave me alone.'' She mutters.

"If you wanna hear me talk about myself you just have to ask.'' I tease but she doesn't take the bait like usual and just stays silent. I look around at the empty ice rink and clear my throat.

Part of me wonders why I care that she's upset especially after what she said to me last night.  I'm sorry Mr Daddy's money, you've never known what it feels like to have things denied for you.

The other part of me can't leave her here like this.

"Listen,'' I put an hand on her shoulder. "You were the best out there.''

Giselle looks up at me and seeing her teary, red rimmed eyes makes my heart pang. I know a little of how Giselle came here, but I know for a fact that she's on a scholarship so what Madame Lulu said really stung.

"I worked really hard to be here Rafe,'' Giselle's voice breaks and she wipes her eyes. "I just can't seem to make her proud.''

"As long as you make yourself proud.'' I gently put my hand over hers, glad that she doesn't move away. "That's all that matters.''

"I train so hard.'' Giselle starts crying and before I can think, I pull the girl in front of me into my arms. I cradle her head to my chest as she relaxes and sobs into my shirt, her flowery perfume overtaking my senses.

I rub her back soothingly, placing my chin on her forehead as her sobs become even more muffled.

"Come on Gigi,'' I mumble. "Don't get all emotional on me.''

Giselle looks up at me, her big green eyes analysing my face as she takes me in. I wipe the remainder of her tears away and she smiles softly.

"Look at you.'' She laughs. "You big softie.''

"Shut up.'' I mutter, placing my hand on her face and playfully pushing her away. She swats my arm and we laugh as we make our way back to the dorm.

'Listen I know you have a big day tomorrow with the competition and all but you should really get some rest.' I turn to Giselle before opening up our dorm door.

'I can't Rafe.' She sighs and rubs her forehead. 'I have way more training to do.'

'But you're already perfect?' I frown. 'Come on just for two hours.'

She looks up at me and can see that I'm not going to drop it.

'Fine,' she mutters. 'What do you have planned for me now?'

Giselle stands in front of me, dropping her bag and putting her hands on her hips. I smirk before bending down and picking her up by her legs, making her exclaim.

'Rafe!' She exclaims. 'Rafe put me down!'

I throw her on the couch before slumping down next to her and grabbing the remote.

'We're going to watch a movie.' I say and she raises an eyebrow.

I scan through the films and put in the first Shrek movie with a satisfied grin on my face. Giselle scoffs from next to me.

'Rafe Hartley likes Shrek?' Giselle tries to stifle a laugh before turning to me.

'It's a classic.' I mutter and she opens her mouth to speak. 'Shut up, it's starting.'

The movie starts and I look over to see Giselle watching the screen intently, as if she's never seen the movie before, I get up and run to the freezer, pulling out a tub of Ben & Jerry's Cookie dough ice cream. I watch Giselle when she turns her head and I drop the spoon, scrambling to pick it up.

"You didn't need to.'' Giselle says as I sit next to her and hand over the ice cream.

"You look like you needed it.'' I smile. Giselle smiles, not a forced one, but a genuine smile that shows those dimples I wanted to see.

She turns her attention back to the screen and I really look at her. The perfect curve of her nose, freckles scattered across her cheeks. My eye catches on the multiple piercings on her ear and her long dark lashes.

I shake my head, this was never what I was going for. I don't have time to catch feelings, I don't do feelings. I don't do admiration and deep conversations like we just had. I do hook-ups, quick, hook-ups, no feelings involved, no strings attached.

That's the way I like it, and this random brunette isn't changing anything.

She isn't just a brunette. Yes she is.

You gave her brother your jersey. He's a fan what was I supposed to do?

You have a stash of her favourite ice cream even though you despise the flavour. I want to broaden my taste palette.

I ignore the thoughts tormenting me and focus on the movie in front of me. Giselle's head falls on my shoulder and I notice that she fell asleep. I want to remove my arm from around her but she looks too comfortable.

I watch the screen in front of me, not taking in anything. As much as I try to help it, my mind keeps running back to the 5'7 sarcastic brunette who smells like flowers resting on me.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and are enjoying the book!

Have a nice day!

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