Chapter 11: Rafe

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Hockey training is getting more stressful as Coach pushes us to our limits. Archer pats my back as he skates to his goal post.

Thankfully, this morning I woke up refreshed so I'm ready for whatever coach throws at me.

'Tyler to your position!' Coach yells. Tyler's head has recently been in the air and it's pissing the whole team off.

'Get your shit together.' I mutter. 'Coach is going to bench you.'

'I know what I'm doing mate.' He replies and I scoff.

We start off with small stretches and I see the door to the ice rink open up. I see Giselle come sit on the bleacher nearest to us.

Tyler skates over to her and I'm unable to hear what they're saying. Dad glares in their direction and I skate over to him.

'You might need to bench him.' I sigh. 'He's a really good player.'

'You're right.' Dad says. 'Rafe go get your teammate.'

I skate over to Tyler who's busy in a conversation with Giselle.

'Sorry to breakup this date.' I put my hand on his shoulder. 'But your boyfriend needs to focus on his training.'

'She's not distracting me.' Tyler replies.

'He's not my boyfriend.' Gigi says at the same time as him. I try to hold back a smirk.

That's what you get motherfucker.

'It's either leave him alone or get the fuck out.' I smile stiffly and she glares at me. Tyler looks between Gigi and I and raises an eyebrow.

He sighs and skates over to his position on the opposite team. Coach blows the whistle and I lunge for the puck, purposely pushing Tyler out of the way.

He grunts and tries to chase after me. I get the puck stolen off me by Ben and Tyler slams into me from the side, causing me to slam into the wall.

Coach blows the whistle.

'It's a practice game, leave this aggression for the real thing.' He says, before the game starts again.

Archer saves the puck from getting into our goal and passes it to me. I dribble it all the way through the ice, managing to dodge the other players. Out of the corner of my eye I see Tyler picking up speed.

'Go Tyler!' Giselle cheers.

I grit my teeth and manage to score a goal. Tyler slams into me from the side again and I throw my stick. I rip off my helmet and he does the same.

'The fuck is wrong with you!' I snarl.

'You were in my way!' Tyler replies. Archer skates up to me and puts a hand on my arm.

'This is the second time.' I snap.

'You're not hurt.' He scoffs.

'No, but you're about to be.' I swing and land a punch on his face. He stumbles back and I keep landing blows on his face.

Coach blows the whistle but I ignore him when Tyler punches my eye.

'Hey calm down.' Archer tries pulling me off him but fails. I keep on hitting Tyler, all my pent up anger and stress coming out when my dad and Archer pull me off him.

'What's gotten into you?' My father shakes my shoulders. My damp hair sticks to my forehead and I wipe my bloody nose.

'He's crazy.' Tyler spits blood onto the ice.

'Take him to the nurse.' Coach commands. 'You're going to the principal.'

With the help of Archer, Coach manages to get me into my mothers office and I sit on an armchair.

'What the hell was that!' Coach yells. 'You're captain you shouldn't be acting like that!'

'He started it.' I snarl.

'He bumped into you.' Mom replies.

'On purpose.' I snap.

'Mrs Hartley, Tyler repeatedly hit Rafe for no reason throughout the entire game I was keeping watch.' Archer says.

'Maybe he's new on the ice.' Mom shrugs.

'Then why the fuck is he on the team.' I snap. 'We only get the best.'

'Don't speak to your mother like that!' Coach yells.

'This is what's going to happen.' Mom says. 'When you play, Tyler is benched, when you're benched, Tyler gets to play.'

'I can't be benched.' I say.

'It's either that, or you're both kicked off the team with being so close to playing the Sea Dogs.' Coach says. 'We currently cannot afford to look for a new captain.'

I narrow my eyes.
I'm the best this school has and they know it. I'm the face of this school and every magazine has my name and picture on if.

They would be insane to kick me off and try to find a replacement.

'Do you understand?' Coach asks.

I nod and silently leave with Archer following behind me.

We go back to my dorm and I see a furious looking Giselle standing in the living room, behind her stands Anya.

'You!' She yells. 'You self absorbed, lonely, arrogant-'

'Don't forget cocky.' I smirk, cutting her off. 'But continue.'

'What the hell was that about?' She asks. 'You ruined his face.'

'He survived.' Archer hands me an ice pack.

'Are you guys serious!' She explains. 'What has Tyler ever done to you?'

'He's annoying, the whole team thinks so.' I snarl. 'They way he's always making googoo eyes at you.'

'Oh so you're jealous that I'm getting some male attention is that it?' She raises her voice.

'No.' I reply, my voice low. 'I couldn't give a shit.' I lower my face closer to hers.

'Guys, Tyler survived that's all that matters.' Archer says.

'Unfortunately.' I mutter earning me a stinging slap across the face.

'Damn.' I say. 'Does my face not have feelings.'

'Not everything's about you Rafe.' She snaps. 'Get a grip.'

She storms off and slams the door of her room behind her.

'Annoying little-' I start when Anya clears her throat and raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to finish my sentence.

'Rafe get a hold of yourself.' She snaps before following Giselle.

I ignore her and go back to the ice pack that's supposed to help with the bruising.

I hope you're all enjoying the story.
Have a nice day'

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