006. impatient

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The next morning, they're getting the kids ready for school, Simon upstairs getting dressed while Matilda is still eating breakfast.

"Honey, we needed to talk to you about something." Madelyn says as she and Spencer sit across from Matilda.

"Simon's the one who broke the DVD player." Matilda states, a panicked look in her wide eyes.

"It-- it wasn't about the DVD player." Madelyn says.

"Oh." Matilda mumbles. "Nobody broke the DVD player." She innocently smiles.

"We're gonna come back to that." Spencer informs making the young girl wince. "We, uh... we wanted to talk to you about what your teacher and principal talked to me about and what I discussed with mommy."

"What?" Matilda asks, stuffing more pancakes into her mouth.

"Well... we know you always do you work really easily and you're super duper smart like your dad." Madelyn says. "And so the teacher and principal both think that you should go up three grades. You'd even be a grade ahead of your brother."

"Whoa." Matilda whispers, her eyes widening.

"Yeah." Madelyn nods. "So, we just... were curious if you wanted to go up or if you wanted to stay in your current class and grade."

"We won't be mad about what you choose." Spencer assures, Madelyn agreeing.

"Do you get bored in your class now?" Madelyn asks.

"Not really. I finish the work and then I can just read until everybody else is done." Matilda says. "My teacher says it's okay if I color, just as long as I'm not super loud."

"Would you want to move up a few grades?" Spencer asks.

"Didn't you do that?" Matilda asks.

"Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yes, I-I did. I was ahead of everybody else my age." Spencer confirms.

"Did you like it?" Matilda asks.

"It... I guess. I never really had friends so that wasn't a huge factor to use in my decision making." Spencer says. 

"Do I get recess in the higher grade?" Matilda asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's still elementary. You'd still get recess." Madelyn nods.

"What about snack time?" Matilda asks.

"You get lunch, but, uh, no snack time." Spencer says.

"But I don't get my friends." Matilda pouts.

"You could make new friends." Madelyn points out.

"But I like my friends." Matilda says. "I don't wanna go up. I have fun in my class. And I like doing all the extra stuff with daddy at home."

"Okay. So you don't want to move?" Madelyn asks.

"No." Matilda shakes her head.

"Okay. I'll pick you guys up today and talk to your teacher and principal then, let them know." Spencer says. "You done eating?"

Matilda nods, pushing the empty plate towards him.

"Go get dressed." Madelyn tells her.

"Can you braid my hair?" Matilda asks.

"Yeah, I'll be up in a minute." Madelyn nods. The girl grins and rushes upstairs. "Okay. So, we still have her in the same grade."

"Yeah." Spencer says.

"That okay?" Madelyn asks.

"As long as she's happy." Spencer says. "And like you said, if she ever changes her mind, we can try to work it out."

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